Taxability of Composite & Mixed Supplies & its Difference under GST

The tax lia­bil­i­ty on a com­pos­ite or a mixed sup­ply shall be deter­mined in the fol­low­ing man­ner, namely:—

  • a com­pos­ite sup­ply com­pris­ing two or more sup­plies, one of which is a prin­ci­pal sup­ply, shall be treat­ed as a sup­ply of such prin­ci­pal sup­ply; and
  • a mixed sup­ply com­pris­ing two or more sup­plies shall be treat­ed as a sup­ply of that par­tic­u­lar sup­ply which attracts the high­est rate of tax.

The dif­fer­ent tax­a­tion of Mixed & Com­pos­ite Sup­ply has cre­at­ed con­fu­sions on which tax to be charged on pack of ser­vice or goods sup­plied togeth­er. For under­stand­ing of the rate struc­ture on a bun­dled ser­vice or goods sup­plied we needs to under­stand the diffrence between Com­pos­ite sup­ply or Mixed supply.

Com­pos­ite Sup­ply: a com­pos­ite sup­ply would mean a sup­ply made by a tax­able per­son con­sist­ing of two or more tax­able sup­plies of goods or ser­vices or both, which are nat­u­ral­ly bun­dled and sup­plied in con­junc­tion with each oth­er in the ordi­nary course of busi­ness, one of which is a prin­ci­pal sup­ply and oth­ers comes along nat­u­ral­ly due to the nature of prin­ci­pal supply.

Eg: Where Jew­ellery has been sold along with a box, the sup­ply of Jew­ellery, pack­ing mate­ri­als,  is a com­pos­ite sup­ply and GST would be charged on the rate struc­ture of Jew­ellery only i.e., prin­ci­pal sup­ply in this case.

Mixed Sup­ply: A mixed sup­ply means two or more indi­vid­ual sup­plies of goods or ser­vices or both made in con­junc­tion with each oth­er by a tax­able per­son for a sin­gle price where such sup­ply does not con­sti­tute a com­pos­ite sup­ply i.e., not bun­dled togeth­er by nature. 

Eg: A Gar­ment and a Jew­ellery sold for a fixed price togeth­er than it would be treat­ed as Mixed Sup­ply since not bun­dled by nature and high­est tax slab would be charged on both the items.

By CA Prasen­jit Paul

Author can be reached at

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