Changes made in W.B.V.A.T.Act,2003 and in W.B.V.A.T.Rules,2005


Every year after pub­li­ca­tion of the West Ben­gal Finance Act and of corresponding
noti­fi­ca­tions by gov­ern­ment effect­ing the pro­ce­dur­al mat­ters con­nect­ed with the changes
made in that Finance Act, it becomes nec­es­sary for issue of Trade Cir­cu­lar spec­i­fy­ing the
impor­tant changes made in law that may come to the aid of the deal­ers as well as of the
offi­cers of the Direc­torate for bet­ter under­stand­ing of these changes. The West Bengal
Finance Act, 2014 and the cor­re­spond­ing noti­fi­ca­tions bear­ing Nos. 848 F.T. dtd.
28.05.2014 and 1183 F.T. dtd. 14.07.2014 have been pub­lished. This Trade Cir­cu­lar is
clar­i­fi­ca­to­ry in nature and is not the legal inter­pre­ta­tion of the changed laws. For
inter­pre­ta­tion, the West Ben­gal Finance Act, 2014 and the noti­fi­ca­tions may please be
con­sult­ed. Unless oth­er­wise men­tioned in the respec­tive para­graphs, amend­ed provisions
have come into force with effect from 01.07.2014.

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