GST Notification

A Registered Person may choose for Composition Scheme in GST till 31.03.2017

The Reg­is­tered Per­sons may opt to pay tax under com­po­si­tion scheme with effect from the first day of the month imme­di­ate­ly suc­ceed­ing the month in which he files an inti­ma­tion of opt­ing for Com­posi­ition Scheme, on the com­mon por­tal on or before the 31st day of March, 2018.

There­fore the com­pos­ite scheme will be applic­a­ble to the reg­is­tered per­son from the next month of the month in which he makes application.

Fur­ther he fur­nish the state­ment in FORM GST ITC-03 in  with­in a peri­od of nine­ty days from the day on which such per­son com­mences to pay tax under com­po­si­tion Scheme.

Fur­ther it is also noti­fied for clar­i­fi­ca­tion that  the reg­is­tered per­son who opts to pay tax under Com­po­si­tion Scheme with effect from the first day of a month which is not the first month of a quar­ter shall fur­nish the GST return in FORM GSTR‑4 for that peri­od of the quar­ter for which he has paid tax
under Com­po­si­tion Scheme and shall fur­nish the returns as applic­a­ble to him for the peri­od of the
quar­ter pri­or to opt­ing to pay tax under sec­tion 10.

Noti­fi­ca­tion no-45/2017 — Cen­tral Tax dat­ed 13.10.2017

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