Admit Cards for November 2014 CA Exams. Available on ICAI’s website

Admit cards in respect of can­di­dates admit­ted to the Inter­me­di­ate (IPC) and Final Novem­ber 2014 exam­i­na­tion, with their pho­tographs and sig­na­tures on them, are host­ed on

Can­di­dates may print their admit cards from the said website.

For downloading/printing of the admit cards, can­di­dates will have to enter the fol­low­ing details on the site:

  • Stu­dent reg­is­tra­tion num­ber or bar code num­ber print­ed on the exam­i­na­tion form
  • Per­son­al Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion Num­ber (PIN)

PIN is the four dig­it num­ber of the candidate’s choice entered by him/her the rel­e­vant col­umn in the exam­i­na­tion form.

In terms of the deci­sion of the Exam­i­na­tion Com­mit­tee of the Insti­tute, phys­i­cal admit cards are being sent by post, only to those who sub­mit­ted phys­i­cal exam­i­na­tion forms ( i.e. OMR ). The prac­tice of send­ing phys­i­cal admit cards by post, to those who had sub­mit­ted their exam forms online, is dis­con­tin­ued with effect from May 2014 exam­i­na­tion onwards.

Phys­i­cal admit cards sent by post as well as those print­ed from the web­site are valid for admis­sion to the examination.

Can­di­dates may also vis­it the FAQs on sub­ject host­ed in the FAQs sec­tion of for more details.

For any fur­ther clar­i­fi­ca­tions, write to/contact:

Final can­di­dates: :
Intermediate(IPC) can­di­dates :

Help Line Tele­phone num­bers: 0120–3054851, 0120–3054852, 0120–3054853 , 0120–3054835, 0120–4953751, 0120–4953752, 0120–4953753, 0120–4953754

Fax 0120 3054 841, 843

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