Companies Act 2013CS

Appointment of Women Directors

As you are well aware that SEBI vide its cir­cu­lar dat­ed 17th April, 2014 has made it manda­to­ry for all the list­ed com­pa­nies to appoint atleast one Woman Direc­tor on their Board of Direc­tors by 31st March, 2015 in align­ment with the require­ment of Sec­tion 149 of the Com­pa­nies Act, 2013, under cor­po­rate gov­er­nance norms.

With just 10 days left to meet the dead­line, SEBI is very seri­ous on the com­pli­ance to these norms and has proac­tive­ly sought the action ini­ti­at­ed to ensure com­pli­ance with the afore­said require­ment for the com­pa­nies that are yet to appoint a Woman Direc­tor on their board.

On behest of the SEBI, I request all my pro­fes­sion­al col­leagues to apprise their Board of Direc­tors to appoint atleast one Woman Direc­tor on their Board by 31st March, 2015, if not yet appoint­ed, to com­ply with the afore­said com­pul­so­ry require­ment of SEBI.

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