GST Rules

Appointment, salary, allowances and other terms and conditions of service of the Chairman and Members of the Anti Profiteering Authority

Rule-124 of CGST Rules 2017

Appoint­ment, salary, allowances and oth­er terms and con­di­tions of ser­vice of the Chair­man and Mem­bers of the Authority:- 

(1) The  Chair­man  and  Mem­bers of

the Author­i­ty shall be appoint­ed by the Cen­tral Gov­ern­ment on the rec­om­men­da­tions of a Selec­tion Com­mit­tee to be con­sti­tut­ed for the pur­pose by the Council.

  • The Chair­man shall be paid a month­ly salary of Rs. 2,25,000 (fixed) and oth­er allowances and ben­e­fits as are admis­si­ble to a Cen­tral Gov­ern­ment offi­cer hold­ing posts car­ry­ing the same pay:

Pro­vid­ed that where a retired offi­cer is select­ed as a Chair­man, he shall be paid a month­ly salary of Rs. 2,25,000 reduced by the amount of pension.

  • The Tech­ni­cal Mem­ber shall be paid a month­ly salary of Rs. 2,05,400 (fixed) and shall be enti­tled to draw allowances as are admis­si­ble to a Gov­ern­ment of India offi­cer hold­ing Group ‘A’ post car­ry­ing the same pay:

Pro­vid­ed that where a retired offi­cer is select­ed as a Tech­ni­cal Mem­ber, he shall be paid a month­ly salary of Rs. 2,05,400 reduced by the amount of pension.

  • The Chair­man shall hold office for a term of two years from the date on which he enters upon his office, or until he attains the age of six­ty- five years, whichev­er is ear­li­er and shall be eli­gi­ble for reappointment:

Pro­vid­ed that per­son shall not be select­ed as the Chair­man, if he has attained the age of six­ty-two years.

  • The Tech­ni­cal Mem­ber of the Author­i­ty shall hold office for a term of two years from the date on which he enters upon his office, or until he attains the age of six­ty-five years, whichev­er is ear­li­er and shall be eli­gi­ble for reappointment:

Pro­vid­ed that per­son shall not be select­ed as a Tech­ni­cal Mem­ber if he has attained the age of six­ty-two years.

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