Category: Budget

Download Finance Bill 2015

Finance Min­is­ter Mr. Arun Jait­ley has pre­sent­ed Finance Bill 2015 to Lok Sab­ha on 28.02.2015 (Sat­ur­day). Down­load the Finance Bill 2015, Bill No 26 of 2015 from the link Below. Finance Bill 2015 Share on: whatsapp

Full Budget Speech of Union Budget 2015

Bud­get 2015–2016 Speech of Arun Jait­ley, Min­is­ter of Finance Feb­ru­ary 28, 2015 Today 28th Feb­ru­ary, 2015 Finance Min­is­ter Mr. Arun Jait­ley pre­sent­ed the Naren­dra Modi gov­ern­men­t’s first full bud­get, promis­ing to revive the econ­o­my from what he termed was a peri­od of gloom. Main highlights…

Schemes Like Smart Cities, Speed Trains in Next Budget

The Finance Min­istry has already ini­ti­at­ed the exer­cise for Bud­get 2015–16 by seek­ing inputs from var­i­ous min­istries and depart­ments. The Bud­get 2015–16 will include many of the schemes announced by Prime Min­is­ter Naren­dra Modi such as smart cities and high…

FinMin begins Budget exercise

The finance min­istry on Fri­day ini­ti­at­ed the bud­getary exer­cise for 2015–16, seek­ing inputs from gov­ern­ment min­istries and depart­ments. “The Bud­get cir­cu­lar for 2015–16 is here­by issued, con­tain­ing the time­lines for sub­mis­sion to the finance min­istry, along with pre­scribed for­mats,” stat­ed an office mem­o­ran­dum. The…