Category: Indirect Tax

Indirect tax collections rise 5.6% in Apr-Oct

Indi­rect tax rev­enues rose mar­gin­al­ly by 5.6 per­cent in the April-Octo­ber peri­od to over Rs 2.85 lakh crore, main­ly on account of increase in ser­vice tax and cus­toms col­lec­tions. How­ev­er, excise col­lec­tion, which is an indi­ca­tion of eco­nom­ic activ­i­ty, declined by…

Indirect tax collections up 4.6% in April-August

Indi­rect tax col­lec­tion increased by 4.6 per cent in the April-August peri­od of this fis­cal, while cus­toms duty and excise duty col­lec­tions rose mar­gin­al­ly. Indi­rect tax col­lec­tions com­pris­ing excise, cus­toms and ser­vice tax stood at Rs 1,94,492 crore in the first five months of…

VAT Implication on E‑Commerce Firms

E‑commerce firms are com­ing in for a clos­er look by sales tax author­i­ties. The ‘mar­ket­place’ argu­ment used by these enti­ties to side­step for­eign direct invest­ment norms may not pass muster with tax author­i­ties keen to pro­tect their val­ue-added tax (VAT)…