If you are planning to take a home loan for your dream home Joint Home Loan could be the best Idea for you if your spouse is working. The Joint Home loan comes with a bundle of Benefits. A Bigger…
Category: Personal Finance
Some Queries of Readers on CIBIL
Is CIBIL a list of defaulters? No. CIBIL only maintains account information of various loan customers and credit card customers irrespective of the fact whether they are defaulters or not. The information comprises their name, address, monthly repayment track record, outstanding…
How CIBIL get & share Credit information of consumers
CIBIL collects credit information of the customers of each member financial institutes & get it compiled by its own. CIBIL share the credit report of consumers with in its member group only. The Credit Information Companies (Regulation) Act, 2005, and various Rules…
What Should One Do, if there is a Mistake in the CIBIL Report
Typically, one checks credit report when one’s loan gets rejected and the loan provider tells that it is because of some information on credit report. Mistakes on a credit report can be easily corrected with the CIBIL’s help. All you need to do is: a) Purchase your…
How to Own your CIBIL Report
There is a procedure for purchase of one’s own CIBIL report so that before you apply for loan, you are aware of the same & you may get the errors rectified, if there any, before you’re your lender seen the wrong…
What is CIBIL?
CIBIL is nothing but the mirror of your earlier loan credit card repayment track. It stands for Credit Information Bureau (India) Ltd. CIBIL gives A Credit Information Report (CIR) which is a factual record of a borrower’s credit payment history compiled from information received…
Customers to be informed on fall in minimum balance in Savings Bank Account
The Reserve Bank asked banks to inform their customers about fall in minimum balance well in advance and said that penal charges should be levied only to the extent of shortfall in such balances. The guidelines with respect to levying…
The Madras High Court Bench ordered notices to RBI and IBA challenging levy of charges for using ATMs
The Madras High Court Bench ordered notices to Reserve Bank of India and Indian Banks Association on a public interest litigation petition challenging levy of charges on savings bank account holders in six metropolitan cities for using ATMs, belonging to…
Home Loan upto 90% of the value of the property
NHB (National Housing Board, a 100% Subsidiary of RBI & Regulator of Housing Finance Companies in India) has allowed HFC’s to lend upto 90% of the value of the property in case of Loan above Rs. 20 lakhs. You may…
My Portfoilo- A Excel Utility for maintaining your Share Market portfolio in Realtime
a simple Excel Utility that manages your Share market portfolio in real time. Its basic features are: This sheet gets updated automatically in every 2 minutes to give realtime position If your stock is todays gainer Current price will automatically become…