Category: Personal Finance

Some Queries of Readers on CIBIL

Is CIBIL a list of default­ers? No. CIBIL only main­tains account infor­ma­tion of var­i­ous loan cus­tomers and cred­it card cus­tomers irre­spec­tive of the fact whether they are default­ers or not. The infor­ma­tion com­pris­es their name, address, month­ly repay­ment track record, outstanding…

How CIBIL get & share Credit information of consumers

CIBIL col­lects cred­it infor­ma­tion of the cus­tomers of each mem­ber finan­cial insti­tutes & get it com­piled by its own. CIBIL share the cred­it report of con­sumers with in its mem­ber group only. The Cred­it Infor­ma­tion Com­pa­nies (Reg­u­la­tion) Act, 2005, and var­i­ous Rules…

What Should One Do, if there is a Mistake in the CIBIL Report

Typ­i­cal­ly, one checks cred­it report when one’s loan gets reject­ed and the loan provider tells that it is because of some infor­ma­tion on cred­it report.  Mis­takes on a cred­it report can be eas­i­ly cor­rect­ed with the CIBIL’s help. All you need to do is: a) Pur­chase your…

How to Own your CIBIL Report

There is a pro­ce­dure for pur­chase of one’s own CIBIL report so that before you apply for loan, you are aware of the same & you may get the errors rec­ti­fied, if there any, before you’re your lender seen the wrong…

What is CIBIL?

CIBIL is noth­ing but the mir­ror of your ear­li­er loan cred­it card repay­ment track. It stands for Cred­it Infor­ma­tion Bureau (India) Ltd. CIBIL gives A Cred­it Infor­ma­tion Report (CIR) which is a fac­tu­al record of a bor­row­er’s cred­it pay­ment his­to­ry com­piled from infor­ma­tion received…