Changes applicable w.e.f. 1st April, 2015 in Service Tax
Following Changes would be applicable on Service Tax with effect from 1st April, 2015
1) Exemption given in respect of transportation of food stuff will be limited to the food grains only.
2) Relief in relation to precondition, pre-cooling ripening labeling of fruits and vegetables is allowed.
3) Service provided by way of exhibition of movie by the exhibitor (theatre owner) to the distributor or an association of persons consisting of such exhibitor as one of its members is being exempted.
4) Benefit given to senior citizen: Exemption is granted in respect of life insurance services provided by way of Varishtha Pension Bima Yojna
5) Exemption for ambulance services: Government has given specific exemption for transporting the patients through ambulances.
6) Uniform abatement for transport by rail, road and vessel: A uniform abatement is now being prescribed for transport by rail, road and vessel thereby service Tax shall be payable on 30% of the value of such service subject to a uniform condition of non-availment of CENVAT Credit on inputs, capital goods and input services.
7) Abatement on business class flights has been reduced to 40% from 60%.
8) Construction of Government Schools and Buildings would become taxable.
9) Construction pertaining to port/airport would become taxable.