Claim your Unstructured CPE Hours for the Year 2014

CPE Hours ICAIMean­ing: Learn­ing by self with­out attain­ing any Sem­i­nar, Dis­cus­sions etc. The Self Study can be at Home or web based.

Which are eli­gi­ble for as Unstruc­tured Learning

Fol­low­ing stud­ies can be claimed as Unstruc­tured Learning:

1) Web-based Learn­ing modules

2) Self-learn­ing Mod­ules and Courses

  i) Audio-tapes/video-tapes.

  ii) Cor­re­spon­dence courses

  iii) Com­put­er based learn­ing programmes

3) Read­ing and Indi­vid­ual Home Study

4) Group or Bilat­er­al Dis­cus­sion on Tech­ni­cal Issues

5) Act­ing as vis­it­ing fac­ul­ty or guest fac­ul­ty at var­i­ous Uni­ver­si­ties / Man­age­ment Insti­tu­tions / Insti­tu­tions of Nation­al Importance

6) Par­tic­i­pa­tion in CPE Tele­con­fer­enc­ing Pro­grammes with­out super­vi­sion of the POU

7) Pro­vid­ing solu­tions to ques­tion­naires / puz­zles avail­able on Web / Pro­fes­sion­al Jour­nals includ­ing CA Journal

8) Inter­nal Train­ing Pro­grammes being organ­ised by firms of Char­tered Accoun­tants with sev­en or more partners

Max­i­mum Eli­gi­bil­i­ty of Unstruc­tured Learning:

  • Mem­bers (aged less than 60 years) hold­ing COP can Claim Max­i­mum of 10 Unstruc­tured CPE hours
  • Mem­bers (aged 60 years & above) hold­ing COP can claim total CPE hours Require­ment, 70 hours in a Block of 3 years, as Unstruc­tured Leaning
  • Mem­bers (aged less than 60 years) not hold­ing COP and mem­bers who are resid­ing abroad can claim total CPE hours Require­ment, 45 hours in a Block of 3 years, as Unstruc­tured Leaning

How to Claim Unstruc­tured Learning:

One can claim his/her Unstruc­tured Learn­ing in the attached Format

Unstruc­tured Learn­ing Claim Format

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