Company Law

Company Law Settlement Scheme, 2014 extended upto 15th November, 2014

The Min­istry of Cor­po­rate Affairs has issued a cir­cu­lar no. 40/2014 dat­ed 15th Octo­ber,  2014 and has extend­ed the due date of fil­ing of annu­al returns and accounts under the Com­pa­ny Law Set­tle­ment Scheme, 2014 upto 15th Novem­ber, 2014 which was orig­i­nal­ly decid­ed by the min­istry till 15th Octo­ber, 2014.

Now, the com­pa­nies who are yet to file and are in default have been pro­vid­ed with one anoth­er cream oppor­tu­ni­ty of fil­ing the same and to get rid off the out­come that may be attract­ed if the same is not filed.

Cor­po­rates are there­fore now request­ed to make their fil­ings on time on or before the due date I.e. 15th Novem­ber, 2014 to avoid the last minute rush.

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