Loss Incurred in Illegal Business is allowed as Deduction- HC Gujrat

  1. By way of this Tax Appeal, the appel­lant has chal­lenged the judg­ment and order dat­ed 29.01.2004 passed by the Income Tax Appel­late Tri­bunal, Rajkot Bench, Rajkot where­by the Tri­bunal has dis­missed the Appeal.

2.While admit­ting the mat­ter on 21.12.2004, this Court had framed the fol­low­ing issue :-

Whether, on the facts and in the cir­cum­stances of the case, the Tri­bunal has sub­stan­tial­ly erred in dis­re­gard­ing the fact that busi­ness is being car­ried on by the appel­lant and hence, the loss inci­den­tal to busi­ness is allow­able u/s 28 and the pro­vi­sion of Sec­tion 37(1) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 can­not over­ride the pro­vi­sion of Sec­tion 28?”

  1. The facts giv­ing rise to the Appeal are that :-

The appel­lant – an indi­vid­ual deals in bul­lion and gold jew­ellery. On 12.01.1999, a search was car­ried out on the res­i­den­tial as well as the busi­ness premis­es of the appel­lant and sub­stan­tial quan­ti­ties of bul­lion was found and seized by the Income Tax Depart­ment. On 18.01.1999, notice under Sec­tion 158BC was issued and in response, the return for the block peri­od was fur­nished on 04.03.1999 by the appel­lant dis­clos­ing the total undis­closed income at Rs.1,39,75,834/=. It is the case of the appel­lant that the Assess­ing Offi­cer did not accept the fig­ure of undis­closed income as stat­ed in the com­pu­ta­tion of income fur­nished by the appel­lant for the block assess­ment peri­od and additions/disallowances were made along with charg­ing of inter­est u/s.158BFA(1) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

One of the dis­al­lowance was per­tain­ing to the claim of deduc­tion of Rs.40,34,898/- on account of gold seized by the Cus­tom Author­i­ties. The appel­lant pre­ferred first appeal before the learned CIT (Appeals) who con­firm the allowances by reject­ing the con­tentions of the appellant.

The appel­lant pre­ferred sec­ond appeal before the Tri­bunal and raised the con­tentions and expla­na­tions sup­port­ed by doc­u­men­tary evi­dence on record to impress upon the Hon’ble Tri­bunal that claim for deduc­tion of Rs.40,34,898/- on account of gold seized by the Cus­tom Author­i­ties was an allow­able busi­ness expen­di­ture under the Income Tax,1961. How­ev­er, the Tri­bunal dis­missed the appeal of the appellant.

  1. Learned Coun­sel for the appel­lant con­tend­ed that in view of the deci­sion of the Hon’ble Apex Court in the case of Dr. T.A. Quereshi v. Com­mis­sion­er of Income-tax, Bhopal report­ed in 287 Income Tax Reports 547, the loss which was incurred dur­ing the course of busi­ness even if the same is ille­gal is required to be com­pen­sat­ed and for the loss suf­fered by the appel­lant, the Court is required to answer this Tax Appeal in favour of the assessee.
  1. Hav­ing heard learned Advo­cates appear­ing for the par­ties, this Appeal is answered in favour of the assessee and against the revenue.
  1. The Appeal is allowed to the afore­said extent.

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