Companies Act 2013

Integrated Companies Incorporation Form – INC-29 for DIN Application, Company Incorporation

EForm INC-29 deals with the sin­gle appli­ca­tion for reser­va­tion of name, incor­po­ra­tion of a new com­pa­ny and/or appli­ca­tion for allot­ment of DIN. This eForm is accom­pa­nied by sup­port­ing doc­u­ments includ­ing details of Direc­tors & sub­scribers, MoA and AoA etc. Once the eForm is processed and found com­plete, com­pa­ny would reg­is­tered and CIN would be allo­cat­ed. Also DINs gets issued to the pro­posed Direc­tors who do not have a valid DIN. Max­i­mum three Direc­tors are allowed for using this inte­grat­ed form for allot­ment of DIN while incor­po­rat­ing a company.

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