Invitation to Provide Services of Audit Officer & Accounts Assistants to RASHTREEYA MADHYAMIK SHIKSHA ABHIYAN
Tender is invited in the prescribed format from Firms/ companies to provide services of around One Audit Officer & Five Accounts Assistants to State Project Office on indent basis. The bidder has to submit the proposal along with EMD of Rs.47,000/- (Forty Seven Thousand only)
The document is available on the internet in the website The same can be downloaded from the internet.
It may be noted that all subsequent notifications, changes and amendments on the project/document would be posted only on the following website:
The bidders will be required to register themselves with the centre for E‑Governance to participate in the bidding process and also get Necessary digital signature certificates. The details of the process of registration and obtaining the digital signature certificates are available on the website: Necessary training and hands on experience in handling e‑procurement system could be obtained from the centre for EGovernance. Necessary details could also be obtained over telephone at 08022485867.