Last Date of First GST Return & Payment has been extended by 5 Days

Last Date for Pay­ment of Gst and Fil­ing of Return For July 2017 Extend­ed By 5 Days 
The GST Imple­men­ta­tion Com­mit­tee, con­sist­ing of State and Cen­tral Gov­ern­ment offi­cers, has tak­en a deci­sion to extend the last date for pay­ment of the GST for the month of July 2017 to 25th August, 2017.
Ear­li­er the last date for pay­ment of tax­es and fil­ing of GST Return in Form 3B for the month of July was kept as 20thof August 2017.  Since it is the first Return to be filed under GST, the tax pay­ers and the tax prac­ti­tion­ers have request­ed for few more days to file their Return.  Also there have been requests from States which are hit with floods to extend the last date for fil­ing of GST Returns.  The State of Jam­mu & Kash­mir has also request­ed for exten­sion of time because of late pass­ing of their GST Ordi­nance. Some tech­ni­cal glitch­es are also expe­ri­enced by last minute return filers.
It has been spec­i­fied that for those tax pay­ers, who do not want to avail of tran­si­tion­al cred­it in TRANS1 this month, the date for return fil­ing will be 25th August 2017.  And for those who want to fill up TRANS1 this month, the last date for fil­ing of returns will be 28th August 2017, as announced ear­li­er. In order not to face any last moment tech­no­log­i­cal dif­fi­cul­ty in sub­mis­sion of return, all tax pay­ers are request­ed to kind­ly file their return well before 25th / 28th of August 2017 and not wait for the last date. Suit­able noti­fi­ca­tion is being issued shortly.

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