My Portfoilo Basic Version- A Excel Utility for maintaining your Share Market portfolio in Realtime
a No of query has been received on the latest version of My Portfolio- A Excel Utility as the same is not working on lower version of Excel. Hence we are with a basic Version of My Portfolio which will work with MS-Excel 2003 & above version.
a simple Excel Utility that manages your Share market portfolio inreal time. Its basic features are:
- This sheet gets updated automatically in every 2 minutes to give realtime position
- If your stock is todays gainer Current price will automatically become green otherwise red
- Set target to sell or watch, Cell become green & fonts bold & red when it reaches
- t will calculate your shares profit/ loss & your portfolios. Even its shows netoff brokerage Profit or Loss if you put brokerage % applicable to you.
- It shows you your Investment as on date, your just needed to fill Ledger column in your sheet
- Its calculate BEP of any share purchased when you put brokerage % applicable to you.
- Its also calculate every shares Monthly return %
Download MY PORTFOLIO Basic Version
Get The Latest Version of My Portfolio form teh Link Below: