
My Portfoilo Basic Version- A Excel Utility for maintaining your Share Market portfolio in Realtime

a No of query has been received on the lat­est ver­sion of My Port­fo­lio- A Excel Util­i­ty as the same is not work­ing on low­er ver­sion of Excel. Hence we are with a basic Ver­sion of My Port­fo­lio which will work with MS-Excel 2003 & above version.

a sim­ple Excel Util­i­ty that man­ages your Share mar­ket port­fo­lio inre­al time. Its basic fea­tures are:

  • This sheet gets updat­ed auto­mat­i­cal­ly in every 2 min­utes to give real­time position
  • If your stock is todays gain­er Cur­rent price will auto­mat­i­cal­ly become green oth­er­wise red
  • Set tar­get to sell or watch, Cell become green & fonts bold & red when it reaches
  • t will cal­cu­late your shares profit/ loss & your port­fo­lios. Even its shows netoff bro­ker­age Prof­it or Loss if you put bro­ker­age % applic­a­ble to you.
  • It shows you your Invest­ment as on date, your just need­ed to fill Ledger col­umn in your sheet
  • Its cal­cu­late BEP of any share pur­chased when you put bro­ker­age % applic­a­ble to you.
  • Its also cal­cu­late every shares Month­ly return %

Down­load MY PORTFOLIO Basic Version

Get The Lat­est Ver­sion of My Port­fo­lio form teh Link Below:

lat­est Ver­sion of My Portfoilo

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