Cross border tax evasion of over nine thousand crore detected in last 3 years
Tax authorities detected as many as 4,590 cases involving cross border tax evasion of Rs 9,951 crore in the last three financial years. In the current fiscal through September, 672 cases have been detected and the value of tax evasion was Rs 1,379.57 crore.
The customs field formations, including Directorate of Revenue Intelligence, detected 1,914 cases involving tax evasion worth Rs 4,769.25 crore in 2013–14. The number of cases detected in 2012–13 and 2011-12 was 1,487 and 1,189, respectively, involving tax evasion of Rs 2,207.55 crore and Rs 2,975.14 crore respectively.
Periodic audit of returns and financial records of Central Excise assessees is carried out and focus is given to collection of information and faster investigation of cases of evasion of central excise duties. Some TEPs are received in the CBDT which are forwarded to jurisdictional income-tax authorities for appropriate action while others are received by the income-tax authorities directly. Each TEP is taken into cognizance for further course of action, depending upon nature of information and facts and circumstances of the case.