Customs Duty

Cross border tax evasion of over nine thousand crore detected in last 3 years

Tax author­i­ties detect­ed as many as 4,590 cas­es involv­ing cross bor­der tax eva­sion of Rs 9,951 crore in the last three finan­cial years. In the cur­rent fis­cal through Sep­tem­ber, 672 cas­es have been detect­ed and the val­ue of tax eva­sion was Rs 1,379.57 crore.

The cus­toms field for­ma­tions, includ­ing Direc­torate of Rev­enue Intel­li­gence, detect­ed 1,914 cas­es involv­ing tax eva­sion worth Rs 4,769.25 crore in 2013–14. The num­ber of cas­es detect­ed in 2012–13 and 2011-12 was 1,487 and 1,189, respec­tive­ly, involv­ing tax eva­sion of Rs 2,207.55 crore and Rs 2,975.14 crore respectively.

Peri­od­ic audit of returns and finan­cial records of Cen­tral Excise assessees is car­ried out and focus is giv­en to col­lec­tion of infor­ma­tion and faster inves­ti­ga­tion of cas­es of eva­sion of cen­tral excise duties. Some TEPs are received in the CBDT which are for­ward­ed to juris­dic­tion­al income-tax author­i­ties for appro­pri­ate action while oth­ers are received by the income-tax author­i­ties direct­ly. Each TEP is tak­en into cog­nizance for fur­ther course of action, depend­ing upon nature of infor­ma­tion and facts and cir­cum­stances of the case.

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