Reduction of GST Rates on certain Goods on 31 GST Council Meet


I. GST rate reduction on goods which were attracting GST rate of 28% :

A.  28% to 18%

  • Pul­leys, trans­mis­sion shafts and cranks, gear box­es e, falling under HS Code 8483
  • Mon­i­tors and TVs of upto screen size of 32 inches
  • Re-tread­ed or used pneu­mat­ic tyres of rubber;
  • Pow­er banks of lithi­um ion bat­terie Lithi­um ion bat­ter­ies are already at 18%. This will bring par­i­ty in GST rate of pow­er bank and lithi­um ion battery.
  • Dig­i­tal cam­eras and video cam­era recorders
  • Video game con­soles and oth­er games and sports req­ui­sites falling under HS code 9504.

B. 28% to 5%

  • Parts and acces­sories for the car­riages for dis­abled persons

IIGST rate reduction on other goods,-

A.  18% to 12%

  • Cork rough­ly squared or debagged
  • Arti­cles of nat­ur­al cork
  • Agglom­er­at­ed cork

B. 18% to 5%

  • Mar­ble rubble

C. 12% to 5%

  • Nat­ur­al cork
  • Walk­ing Stick
  • Fly ash Blocks

D. 12% to Nil:

  • Music Books

E. 5% to Nil

  • Veg­eta­bles, (uncooked or cooked by steam­ing or boil­ing in water), frozen, brand­ed and put in a unit container
  • Veg­etable pro­vi­sion­al­ly pre­served (for exam­ple by sul­phur diox­ide gas, in brine, in sul­phur water or in oth­er preser­v­a­tive solu­tions), but unsuit­able in that state for imme­di­ate c

III. GST on solar power generating plant and other renewable energy plants

  • GST rate of 5% rate has been pre­scribed on renew­able ener­gy devices & parts for their man­u­fac­ture (bio gas plant/solar pow­er based devices, solar pow­er gen­er­at­ing sys­tem (SGPS) etc) [falling under chap­ter 84, 85 or 94 of the Tar­iff]. Oth­er goods or ser­vices used in these plants attract applic­a­ble G
  • Cer­tain dis­putes have arisen regard­ing GST rates where spec­i­fied goods attract­ing 5% GST are sup­plied along with ser­vices of con­struc­tion etc and oth­er goods for solar pow­er plant.
  • To resolve the dis­pute the Coun­cil has rec­om­mend­ed that in all such cas­es, the 70% of the gross val­ue shall be deemed as the val­ue of sup­ply of said goods attract­ing 5% rate and the remain­ing por­tion (30%) of the aggre­gate val­ue of such EPC con­tract shall be deemed as the val­ue of sup­ply of tax­able ser­vice attract­ing stan­dard GST ra

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