Reporting requirement on On-site, Off-site and Mobile ATMs

Report­ing require­ment on On-site, Off-site and Mobile ATMs

Please refer to Cir­cu­lars DBOD.No.BP.BC.152/21.03.051/94 dat­ed Decem­ber 29, 1994, DBOD.No.BL.BC.137/22.01.001/2008–09 dat­ed June 12, 2009 and DBOD. No. BL.BC.27/22.01.001/2010–11 dat­ed July 23, 2010 where­in, inter alia, banks have been advised to fur­nish data on ATMs to con­cerned Region­al Office of Depart­ment of Bank­ing Super­vi­sion and DBOD, CO, Mum­bai (in respect of ATMs in Maha­rash­tra and Goa), in the for­mats annexed to those circulars.

2. A ref­er­ence is invit­ed to para­graph 7 of Mas­ter Cir­cu­lar RPCD.CO.RB.No.BL. BC.4/03.05.90/2014–15 dat­ed July 1, 2014, where­in RRBs have been per­mit­ted to open on-site and off-site ATMs with­out pri­or approval of RBI. RRBs have also been advised to sub­mit returns vide para­graph 7 of Cir­cu­lar RPCD.CO.RRB.BL.BC.10/03.05.90A/2005–06 dat­ed July 6, 2005.

3. On a review, keep­ing in view the extant report­ing require­ments on ATMs to oth­er Depart­ments of Reserve Bank, it has been decid­ed to dis­pense with the report­ing require­ment by banks with ref­er­ence to the cir­cu­lars men­tioned in the above para­graphs to the con­cerned Region­al Offices of Depart­ment of Bank­ing Super­vi­sion and Depart­ment of Bank­ing Reg­u­la­tion, CO, Mum­bai (in respect of ATMs in Maha­rash­tra and Goa). As such, banks, includ­ing RRBs are not required to report peri­od­i­cal­ly the data on ATMs as per Annex‑8, Annex-10 (PROFORMA-IV) pre­scribed in Mas­ter Cir­cu­lar DBOD.No.BAPD.BC.7/22.01.001/2014–15 dat­ed July 1, 2014, and as per para­graph 7 of cir­cu­lar RPCD.CO.RRB.BL.BC.10/03.05.90A/2005–06 dat­ed July 6, 2005 respec­tive­ly. How­ev­er, the report­ing require­ment on ATMs to DSIM in the pre­scribed pro­for­mae will con­tin­ue. These instruc­tions should not be deemed as dilut­ing in any way the instruc­tions issued by the Reserve Bank of India on tak­ing of pri­or per­mis­sion for open­ing of ATMs by banks to which gen­er­al pri­or per­mis­sion has not been granted.

Yours faith­ful­ly,

(Lily Vadera)
Chief Gen­er­al Manager

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