Reporting requirement on On-site, Off-site and Mobile ATMs
Reporting requirement on On-site, Off-site and Mobile ATMs
Please refer to Circulars DBOD.No.BP.BC.152/21.03.051/94 dated December 29, 1994, DBOD.No.BL.BC.137/22.01.001/2008–09 dated June 12, 2009 and DBOD. No. BL.BC.27/22.01.001/2010–11 dated July 23, 2010 wherein, inter alia, banks have been advised to furnish data on ATMs to concerned Regional Office of Department of Banking Supervision and DBOD, CO, Mumbai (in respect of ATMs in Maharashtra and Goa), in the formats annexed to those circulars.
2. A reference is invited to paragraph 7 of Master Circular RPCD.CO.RB.No.BL. BC.4/03.05.90/2014–15 dated July 1, 2014, wherein RRBs have been permitted to open on-site and off-site ATMs without prior approval of RBI. RRBs have also been advised to submit returns vide paragraph 7 of Circular RPCD.CO.RRB.BL.BC.10/03.05.90A/2005–06 dated July 6, 2005.
3. On a review, keeping in view the extant reporting requirements on ATMs to other Departments of Reserve Bank, it has been decided to dispense with the reporting requirement by banks with reference to the circulars mentioned in the above paragraphs to the concerned Regional Offices of Department of Banking Supervision and Department of Banking Regulation, CO, Mumbai (in respect of ATMs in Maharashtra and Goa). As such, banks, including RRBs are not required to report periodically the data on ATMs as per Annex‑8, Annex-10 (PROFORMA-IV) prescribed in Master Circular DBOD.No.BAPD.BC.7/22.01.001/2014–15 dated July 1, 2014, and as per paragraph 7 of circular RPCD.CO.RRB.BL.BC.10/03.05.90A/2005–06 dated July 6, 2005 respectively. However, the reporting requirement on ATMs to DSIM in the prescribed proformae will continue. These instructions should not be deemed as diluting in any way the instructions issued by the Reserve Bank of India on taking of prior permission for opening of ATMs by banks to which general prior permission has not been granted.
Yours faithfully,
(Lily Vadera)
Chief General Manager