Resetting of Password of e‑Services under WB VAT

There is a pro­vi­sion for reset­ting of Pass­word for the deal­ers who are avail­ing e‑Services. This facil­i­ty is avail­able through Helpdesk and the same is done after get­ting prop­er doc­u­ments from the appli­cant deal­ers. Besides reset­ting of Pass­word through Helpdesk, there is also a facil­i­ty of reset­ting of pass­word by the deal­er through “for­got pass­word” link. How­ev­er, there are reports that deal­ers are fac­ing some dif­fi­cul­ty in get­ting their pass­words reset.

2. It is, there­fore, decid­ed that the deal­ers would be required to reset their pass­words first by using the “for­got pass­word” link where they have access to email IDs as record­ed in our data­base. How­ev­er, in cas­es where a deal­er does not have access to his email ID that is record­ed in the data­base, he would be required to approach his Charge/ Group Offi­cer and apply for “reset­ting” his pass­word along with an under­tak­ing that he would be respon­si­ble for any action aris­ing out of the use of such reset pass­word. When the Charge Group Offi­cer is sat­is­fied about the bona fide of the appli­ca­tion, the Charge/Group Offi­cer would write an email to the Helpdesk at <cthelpdeskwb@ nic.in> for reset­ting the pass­word. Record of each reset pass­word by the deal­er should be kept with the records of that deal­er in the con­cerned Charge. It should be ensured by the Charge/Group Offi­cer that such reset­ting of pass­word is allowed only in gen­uine and deserv­ing cas­es. The mobile num­ber and email address should invari­ably be men­tioned in the request. Hence­forth, no request for reset­ting the pass­word should be sent to Helpdesk directly.

3. The pass­word reset should then be done by the sys­tem and emailed/SMSed to the deal­er at the new email/mobile. Inti­ma­tion should also be sent at old email/mobile if changed.

4. The above guide­lines are to be strict­ly fol­lowed to avoid any mis­use of pass­word of the deal­er in avail­ing e‑Services in future.

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