Resetting of Password of e‑Services under WB VAT
There is a provision for resetting of Password for the dealers who are availing e‑Services. This facility is available through Helpdesk and the same is done after getting proper documents from the applicant dealers. Besides resetting of Password through Helpdesk, there is also a facility of resetting of password by the dealer through “forgot password” link. However, there are reports that dealers are facing some difficulty in getting their passwords reset.
2. It is, therefore, decided that the dealers would be required to reset their passwords first by using the “forgot password” link where they have access to email IDs as recorded in our database. However, in cases where a dealer does not have access to his email ID that is recorded in the database, he would be required to approach his Charge/ Group Officer and apply for “resetting” his password along with an undertaking that he would be responsible for any action arising out of the use of such reset password. When the Charge Group Officer is satisfied about the bona fide of the application, the Charge/Group Officer would write an email to the Helpdesk at <cthelpdeskwb@> for resetting the password. Record of each reset password by the dealer should be kept with the records of that dealer in the concerned Charge. It should be ensured by the Charge/Group Officer that such resetting of password is allowed only in genuine and deserving cases. The mobile number and email address should invariably be mentioned in the request. Henceforth, no request for resetting the password should be sent to Helpdesk directly.
3. The password reset should then be done by the system and emailed/SMSed to the dealer at the new email/mobile. Intimation should also be sent at old email/mobile if changed.
4. The above guidelines are to be strictly followed to avoid any misuse of password of the dealer in availing e‑Services in future.