Company Law

Resigning Foreign Director May Authorise CA, CS, CMA or any other resident Director to sign ROC Intimation Form (Form-11)

(l)These rules may be called the Com­pa­nies (Appoint­ment and Qual­i­fi­ca­tion of Direc­tors) Amend­ment Rules, 2015.

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their pub­li­ca­tion in the Offi­cial Gazette

In the Com­pa­nies (Appoint­ment and Qual­i­fi­ca­tion of Direc­tors) Rules’ 2014’ in rule 16′ the fol­low­ing pro­vi­so shall be insert­ed, namely:-

Pro­vid­ed that in case a com­pa­ny has already filed Form DIR-12 with the Reg­is­trar under rule ‑15 a For­eign direc­tor of such com­pa­ny resign­ing from his office may autho­rise in writ­ing a prac­tic­ing Char­tered Accoun­tant or cost accoun­tant in prac­tice or com­pa­ny sec­re­tary in prac­tice or any oth­er res­i­dent direc­tor of the com­pa­ny to sign Form DIR-l1 and file the same on his behalf inti­mat­ing the rea­sons for the resignation ”

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