
Schemes Like Smart Cities, Speed Trains in Next Budget

The Finance Min­istry has already ini­ti­at­ed the exer­cise for Bud­get 2015–16 by seek­ing inputs from var­i­ous min­istries and depart­ments. The Bud­get 2015–16 will include many of the schemes announced by Prime Min­is­ter Naren­dra Modi such as smart cities and high speed trains told by Finance secretary.

The min­istries have been asked to sub­mit revised esti­mates of expen­di­ture for 2014–15 and demand for grants for the next finan­cial year begin­ning April 1, 2015. This would be the sec­ond Bud­get of the Naren­dra Modi government.

Pre­scrib­ing time­lines for sub­mis­sion of pro­pos­als, dis­cus­sion with Sec­re­taries and final­i­sa­tion of demand for grants, the min­istry has asked offi­cials to strict­ly adhere to the sched­ule. The min­istries have been asked to sub­mit revised esti­mates of expen­di­ture for 2014–15 and demand for grants for the next finan­cial year begin­ning April 1, 2015.

Finance Sec­re­tary also said that work is under way on var­i­ous infra­struc­ture build­ing projects such as smart cities, high speed rail and indus­tri­al corridors.

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