
Share Market will open on Budget day i.e., on Saturday & however there will no Transaction on Mutual Fund

Sat­ur­days & sun­days are nor­mal­ly non- busi­ness day in Stock Mar­ket & Mutu­al Fund Mar­ket. The Secu­ri­ties and Exchange Board of India had inti­mat­ed the stock exchanges that the mar­ket would remain open on the day of the Union Budget.

While the equi­ty mar­ket will remain open on Sat­ur­day, it will be a non-busi­ness day for mutu­al funds (MFs). This means investors will not be able to pur­chase or redeem MF units on Bud­get day.

The deci­sion was tak­en at a meet­ing of the Asso­ci­a­tion of Mutu­al Funds in India (Amfi) on Mon­day. “Some CEOs want­ed it to be a nor­mal trans­ac­tion day but oth­ers were opposed. To avoid con­fu­sion in the minds of investors and main­tain uni­for­mi­ty, it was decid­ed Sat­ur­day would be a non-busi­ness day.

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