Taxation Paper (Group‑I, Paper‑4) of Intermediate (IPC) CA examination delayed to 23rd November 2014

Post­pone­ment of Group‑I, Paper‑4, of Inter­me­di­ate (IPC) exam­i­na­tion sched­uled for 14th Novem­ber 2014 to 23rd Novem­ber 2014

It is here­by informed that due to unavoid­able cir­cum­stances the exam­i­na­tion of Group — I, Paper — 4 — Tax­a­tion of Inter­me­di­ate (IPC) Exam­i­na­tion which was sched­uled for14th Novem­ber — 2014 stands postponed.

The said exam­i­na­tion will now be held on 23rd Novem­ber — 2014 (Sun­day) from 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM (IST).

The venue of the exam­i­na­tion to be held on 23rd Novem­ber 2014 shall remain unchanged except in the case of some cen­tres in the cities of Ajmer, Chandi­garh, Chen­nai, Hyder­abad, Indore, Jodh­pur, Ernaku­lam, Kolkata and New Del­hi. A detailed announce­ment regard­ing details of such change in venue is being host­ed separately.

Admit cards already issued, shall remain valid for the exam­i­na­tion on 23rd Novem­ber, 2014, for all the candidates.

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