Direct Tax


1 Abo­li­tion of Wealth Tax.
2 Addi­tion­al 2% sur­charge for the super rich with income of over Rs. 1 crore.
3 Rate of cor­po­rate tax to be reduced to 25% over next four years.
4 Total exemp­tion of up to Rs. 4,44,200 can be achieved.
5 100% exemp­tion for con­tri­bu­tion to Swachch Bharat, apart from CSR.
6 Ser­vice tax increased to14 per cent.


1 Rs. 25,000 crore for Rur­al Infra­struc­ture Devel­op­ment Bank.
2 Rs. 5,300 crore to sup­port Micro Irri­ga­tion Programme.
3 Farm­ers cred­it — tar­get of 8.5 lakh crore.


1 Rs. 70,000 crores to Infra­struc­ture sector.
2 Tax-free bonds for projects in rail road and irrigation
3 PPP mod­el for infra­struc­ture devel­op­ment to be revi­talised and govt. to bear major­i­ty of the risk.
4 Rs. 150 crore allo­cat­ed for Research & Development
5 NITI to be estab­lished and involve­ment of entre­pre­neurs, researchers to fos­ter sci­en­tif­ic innovations.
6 Govt. pro­pos­es to set up 5 ultra mega pow­er projects, each of 4000MW.


1 AIIMS in Jam­mu and Kash­mir, Pun­jab, Tamil Nadu, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar and Assam.
2 IIT in Kar­nata­ka; Indi­an Insti­tute of Mines in Dhan­bad to be upgrad­ed to IIT.
3 PG insti­tute of Hor­ti­cul­ture in Armtisar.
4 Ker­ala to have Uni­ver­si­ty of Dis­abil­i­ty Studies
5 Cen­tre of film pro­duc­tion, ani­ma­tion and gam­ing to come up in Arunachal Pradesh.
6 IIM for Jam­mu and Kash­mir and Andhra Pradesh.


1 Rs. 2,46,726 crore for Defence.
2 Focus on Make in India for quick man­u­fac­tur­ing of Defence equipment.


1 50,000 toi­lets con­struct­ed under Swachh Bharath Abhiyan.
2 Two oth­er pro­grammes to be intro­duced- GST & JAM Trin­i­ty. GST will be imple­ment­ed by April 2016.
3 MUDRA bank will refi­nance micro finance orgs. to encour­age first gen­er­a­tion SC/ST entrepreneurs.
4 Hous­ing for all by 2020.
5 Upgra­da­tion 80,000 sec­ondary schools.
6 DBT will be fur­ther be expand­ed from 1 crore to 10.3 crore.
7 For the Atal Pen­sion Yoj­na, govt. will con­tribute 50% of the pre­mi­um lim­it­ed to Rs. 1000 a year.
8 New scheme for phys­i­cal aids and assist­ed liv­ing devices for peo­ple aged over 80 .
9 Govt to use Rs. 9000 crore unclaimed funds in PPF/EPF for Senior Cit­i­zens Fund.
10 Rs. 5,000 crore addi­tion­al allo­ca­tion for MGNREGA.
11 Govt. to cre­ate uni­ver­sal social secu­ri­ty sys­tem for all Indians.


1 Rs. 75 crore for elec­tric cars production.
2 Renew­able ener­gy tar­get for 2022: 100K MW in solar; 60K MW in wind; 10K MW in bio­mass and 5K MW in small hydro


1 Develpo­ment schemes for church­es and con­vents in old Goa; Hampi, Ele­phan­ta caves, Forests of Rajasthan, Leh palace, Varanasi , Jal­lian­wala Bagh, Qutb Shahi tombs at Hyder­abad to be under the new tour­sim scheme.
2 Visa on Arrival for 150 countries.

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