WBVAT & CST Return for Quarter ended June 2017 Further Extended to 25.08.2017

Under rule 37A of the West Ben­gal Val­ue Added Tax Rules, 2005

Dat­ed: 16.08.2017

Since there are com­pelling rea­sons to extend the due date of sub­mis­sion of return under sec­tion 32 of the West Ben­gal Val­ue Added Tax Act, 2003, read with rule 34A, rule 34AA and rule 34AB of the West Ben­gal Val­ue Added Tax Rules, 2005, now there­fore, in exer­cise of the pow­er con­ferred upon me under rule 37A of the rules ibid, the due date of sub­mis­sion of return is extend­ed fur­ther as men­tioned in the table below:


Peri­od in respect of which return is required to be furnished Form of return Last date of pay­ment of net tax, inter­est, if any, payable accord­ing to that return Extend­ed date of trans­mis­sion of data elec­tron­i­cal­ly of that return Extend­ed date of

fur­nish­ing acknowl­edge- ment of that return, if applicable

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Q.E. 30.06.2017 Form 14/14D 31.07.2017 25.08.2017 11.09.2017
Q.E. 30.06.2017 Form 15 31.07.2017 25.08.2017 11.09.2017

Sd/- 16/8/2017 (Smara­ki Maha­p­a­tra) Com­mis­sion­er, Sales Tax,

West Ben­gal


Memo No:      744CT/PRO                                                                                 Date: 16.08.2017


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