WBVAT & CST Return for Quarter ended June 2017 Further Extended to 25.08.2017
Under rule 37A of the West Bengal Value Added Tax Rules, 2005
Dated: 16.08.2017
Since there are compelling reasons to extend the due date of submission of return under section 32 of the West Bengal Value Added Tax Act, 2003, read with rule 34A, rule 34AA and rule 34AB of the West Bengal Value Added Tax Rules, 2005, now therefore, in exercise of the power conferred upon me under rule 37A of the rules ibid, the due date of submission of return is extended further as mentioned in the table below:
Period in respect of which return is required to be furnished | Form of return | Last date of payment of net tax, interest, if any, payable according to that return | Extended date of transmission of data electronically of that return | Extended date of
furnishing acknowledge- ment of that return, if applicable |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) |
Q.E. 30.06.2017 | Form 14/14D | 31.07.2017 | 25.08.2017 | 11.09.2017 |
Q.E. 30.06.2017 | Form 15 | 31.07.2017 | 25.08.2017 | 11.09.2017 |
Sd/- 16/8/2017 (Smaraki Mahapatra) Commissioner, Sales Tax,
West Bengal
Memo No: 744CT/PRO Date: 16.08.2017