What Should One Do, if there is a Mistake in the CIBIL Report
Typically, one checks credit report when one’s loan gets rejected and the loan provider tells that it is because of some information on credit report. Mistakes on a credit report can be easily corrected with the CIBIL’s help. All you need to do is:
a) Purchase your CIBIL credit report
b) Identify the erroneous information
c) Provide name, address, date of birth, a Control Number and the nature of the error on the credit bureau’s website.
The Control Number is a unique 9‑digit number found on the top right hand side of your CIBIL Credit Information Report and is generated every time a credit report is generated. It is very important to provide this number to the bureau, as it helps identify the CIBIL credit report on which you would like to ‘dispute’ information.
Normally following types of errors are found in ones CIBIL Report & which can be easily corrected from by taking up the matter with CIBIL
Personal information’s such as Name, Date of Birth Gender, Income Tax ID, Passport Number, Voter’s ID, Telephone Numbers, Address, State, PIN
Account Details (Loan/Credit Card) Account/ Loan Type, Account Status, Ownership Type, Date of Last Payment, Date Opened, Date Closed, Sanctioned Amount/ High Credit, Current Balance, Amount Overdue, DPD/ Asset Classification
Ownership some accounts showing in your CIBIL report may not pertain to you & you can raise an objection on ownership of the same.
Duplicate Accounts a loan/credit card may be showing twice/thrice in your CIBIL
If you find any of the above error in your CIBIL report then follow the link & get it corrected from CIBIL within a period of 30 days.