
What is an Escrow Account

An escrow account is a tem­po­rary pass through account held by a third par­ty dur­ing the process of a trans­ac­tion between two parties.
Def­i­n­i­tion: An escrow account is a tem­po­rary pass through account held by a third par­ty dur­ing the process of a trans­ac­tion between two par­ties. This is a tem­po­rary account as it oper­ates until the com­ple­tion of a trans­ac­tion process, which is imple­ment­ed after all the con­di­tions between the buy­er and the sell­er are settled.

Descrip­tion: In real estate, when Project loan has been tak­en by a devel­op­er the fund flows in the project from any source is rout­ed through the escrow account and the escrow agent ensures repay­ment as per the lenders repay­ment sched­ule form the pro­ceeds of the project. The buy­ers of the hous­ing units in a project trans­fer the home price to the escrow account and the amount is trans­ferred to the sell­er after ensur­ing lenders repay­ment sched­ule for devel­op­ment of the schedule.

Some­times the con­struc­tion linked pay­ments are dis­bursed to the sell­er from the escrow account so that the builder has suf­fi­cient funds for com­ple­tion of the project.

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