A Email ID & Mobile No can Be use for maximum 5 TIN Nos in WB VAT

Sub­ject: Updat­ing of Email-IDs and Mobile Numbers

In order to take care of the dif­fi­cul­ties faced by the deal­ers due to non-com­mu­ni­ca­tion or delayed com­mu­ni­ca­tion of var­i­ous orders, notices, demands, etc., rule 208 of the West Ben­gal Val­ue Added Tax Rules, 2005, has been amend­ed to include send­ing of notices by emails. Thus it is of utmost impor­tance that deal­ers have their cor­rect con­tact details (e‑mail address and mobile No.) in the deal­er’s pro­file. The amend­ment of con­tact details can be done elec­tron­i­cal­ly with­out the need of any approval from any official.

Despite sev­er­al requests there still remains a large num­ber of e‑mails and mobile num­bers which are either incor­rect or do not belong to the deal­ers. In some cas­es these belong to the then rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the dealers.

To take care of this prob­lem, we are under­tak­ing one time exer­cise of col­lect­ing deal­ers’ email ID, Mobile No., Pro­fes­sion Tax Enrol­ment num­ber and their rep­re­sen­ta­tives’ e‑mail ID and Mobile no.

For deal­er’s own email-ID field, a restric­tion is to be imposed so that a unique email-ID can be insert­ed against at the most five dif­fer­ent TINs. When­ev­er an attempt to insert same email-ID against more than five TINs shall be made, that will be noti­fied through a pop-up mes­sage and a sep­a­rate email-ID will be asked for. The same restric­tion shall also be applic­a­ble for Deal­er’s own mobile num­ber. There shall be no such restric­tion for inser­tion of email-ID of the deal­er’s representatives.

Deal­er’s own email-ID and mobile num­ber shall be ver­i­fied by PIN/OTP before accept­ing the same by the appli­ca­tion and the giv­en PT enrol­ment num­ber shall be ver­i­fied with the PT data­base before acceptance.

Deal­ers should pro­vide the required infor­ma­tion through the appli­ca­tion to update the data­base and ensure seam­less e‑services by the Direc­torate. It may be not­ed that upda­tion of above details and cor­rec­tion of PAN (in case of inac­cu­ra­cy) should be done imme­di­ate­ly and def­i­nite­ly pri­or to fil­ing of return for the Q.E. June, 2015.


DATED: 14.07.2015

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