A Email ID & Mobile No can Be use for maximum 5 TIN Nos in WB VAT
Subject: Updating of Email-IDs and Mobile Numbers
In order to take care of the difficulties faced by the dealers due to non-communication or delayed communication of various orders, notices, demands, etc., rule 208 of the West Bengal Value Added Tax Rules, 2005, has been amended to include sending of notices by emails. Thus it is of utmost importance that dealers have their correct contact details (e‑mail address and mobile No.) in the dealer’s profile. The amendment of contact details can be done electronically without the need of any approval from any official.
Despite several requests there still remains a large number of e‑mails and mobile numbers which are either incorrect or do not belong to the dealers. In some cases these belong to the then representatives of the dealers.
To take care of this problem, we are undertaking one time exercise of collecting dealers’ email ID, Mobile No., Profession Tax Enrolment number and their representatives’ e‑mail ID and Mobile no.
For dealer’s own email-ID field, a restriction is to be imposed so that a unique email-ID can be inserted against at the most five different TINs. Whenever an attempt to insert same email-ID against more than five TINs shall be made, that will be notified through a pop-up message and a separate email-ID will be asked for. The same restriction shall also be applicable for Dealer’s own mobile number. There shall be no such restriction for insertion of email-ID of the dealer’s representatives.
Dealer’s own email-ID and mobile number shall be verified by PIN/OTP before accepting the same by the application and the given PT enrolment number shall be verified with the PT database before acceptance.
Dealers should provide the required information through the application to update the database and ensure seamless e‑services by the Directorate. It may be noted that updation of above details and correction of PAN (in case of inaccuracy) should be done immediately and definitely prior to filing of return for the Q.E. June, 2015.
DATED: 14.07.2015