Advance Ruling GST-Whether ITC is admissible on lease rental paid for the pre-operative period for the land on which a hotel is being constructed


  1. The Appli­cant, stat­ed to be in the hos­pi­tal­i­ty and real estate busi­ness and is con­tem­plat­ing a new project on a lease­hold land, seeks a rul­ing as to whether Input Tax Cred­it is avail­able for lease rent paid dur­ing pre-oper­a­tive peri­od for the lease­hold land on which the resort is being con­struct­ed to be used for fur­ther­ance of busi­ness, when the same is cap­i­talised and treat­ed as cap­i­tal expen­di­ture. Advance Rul­ing is admis­si­ble on the ques­tion under Sec­tion 97(2) sub-clause (d) of the CGST/ WBGST Acts, 2017 (here­inafter referred to, col­lec­tive­ly, as “the GST Act”).

The Appli­cant fur­ther sub­mits that the ques­tion raised in the Appli­ca­tion is nei­ther decid­ed by nor pend­ing for deci­sion before any author­i­ty under any pro­vi­sions of the GST Act.

The offi­cer con­cerned rais­es no objec­tion to admis­sion of the Appli­ca­tion. The Appli­ca­tion is, there­fore, admitted.

2. The Appli­cant, stat­ed to be a sub­sidiary of Ambu­ja Neo­tia Hold­ings Pri­vate Lim­it­ed, is in the hos­pi­tal­i­ty and real estate busi­ness since 1997. Ben­gal Hous­ing Infra­struc­ture Devel­op­ment (here­inafter referred to as ‘WBHIDCL’/Lessor) has leased a piece of land mea­sur­ing 20,039.75 sq meters in New Town Area for a peri­od of 32 years to the Appli­cant (also referred to, at times, as the Lessee) for a lease pre­mi­um of Rupees Sev­en­teen Crores Twen­ty Lakhs only.

As per the Inden­ture of Lease dat­ed 21.08.2013, (here­inafter referred to as “the Agree­ment) the Appli­cant is liable to pay annu­al lease rent at the rate of 10% of the afore­said pre­mi­um for the first and sec­ond year, and the same would be esca­lat­ed at the rate of 5% per annum, in the sub­se­quent years from the start of the third year over the last annu­al lease rent per annum.

The project is pro­posed to be com­plet­ed with­in a peri­od of two years from the foun­da­tion of the project and the lease rent paid dur­ing the pre-oper­a­tive peri­od shall be cap­i­tal­ized in the books of account by the Applicant.

The con­cerned offi­cer sub­mits in writ­ing that cred­it of tax paid on goods and ser­vices used for con­struc­tion of immov­able prop­er­ty is allowed only if such  immov­able  prop­er­ty  is  in  the nature of plant and machin­ery. The expres­sion plant and machin­ery has been defined vide Expla­na­tion to sec­tion 17 in Chap­ter V of the GST Act to mean appa­ra­tus, equip­ment , and machin­ery fixed to earth by foun­da­tion or struc­tur­al sup­port that are used  for  mak­ing out­ward sup­ply of goods or ser­vices and includes such foun­da­tion and struc­tur­al sup­ports but excludes inter alia land, build­ing, or any oth­er civ­il struc­tures. The input tax cred­it is, there­fore, not admis­si­ble for the lease rent paid dur­ing the pre ‑oper­a­tive peri­od for the lease­hold land on which a resort is being constructed.

3. The Appli­cant states that :

(a) Sec­tion 16 of the GST Act deals with eli­gi­bil­i­ty and con­di­tions for tak­ing Input Tax Cred­it. Sub-sec­tion (1) of the said Sec­tion states

Every reg­is­tered  per­son  shall,  sub­ject  to  such  con­di­tions  and  restric­tions as may be pre­scribed and in the man­ner spec­i­fied in sec­tion 49, be enti­tled to take cred­it of input tax charged on any sup­ply of goods or ser­vices or both to him which  are  used  or  intend­ed  to be  u s e d  in  t h e  c o u r s e  o r  f u r t h e r a n c e  o f  h is b u s in e s s and the said amount shall be cred­it­ed to the elec­tron­ic cred­it ledger of such person.”

(b) Sec­tion 17 of the GST Act deals with Appor­tion­ment of Cred­it and Blocked Cred­it Sub-sec­tion 5(d) of the said Sec­tion states

Notwith­stand­ing any­thing con­tained in sub-sec­tion (1) of sec­tion 16  and sub­sec­tion (1) of sec­tion 18, input tax cred­it shall n o t b e a v a i la b le in respect of the fol­low­ing, namely:

goods or ser­vices  or both received by  a tax­able per­son for con­struc­tion of an immov­able prop­er­ty (oth­er than plant or machin­ery) on his own account includ­ing when such goods or ser­vices or both are used in the course or fur­ther­ance of busi­ness.The expres­sion “con­struc­tion” is explained to include re ‑con­struc­tion, ren­o­va­tion, addi­tions or alter­ations or repairs, t o t h e e x t e n t o f c a p it a lis a t io n, to the said immov­able property

© The GST Act does not define the exact nature of the goods and ser­vices received that are deemed to relate to con­struc­tion of immov­able prop­er­ty. As  a result, the mean­ing of con­struc­tion cost is to be con­strued as is tak­en in the mod­ern par­lance. The Appli­cant is required to pay the lease rent to the Lessor whether or not the con­struc­tion has been car­ried out and shall be pay­ing the lease amount even after the com­ple­tion of the con­struc­tion of the immov­able prop­er­ty for the bal­ance peri­od of the lease period.

The lease rent for the pre-oper­a­tive peri­od is cap­i­tal­ized under the head ‘Lease­hold Land’ and not under the head ‘Build­ing Block’. It can, there­fore, be inferred that the lease rent is not used for con­struc­tion of the resort.

Hence, the rent­ing ser­vices can­not be said to be received for the con­struc­tion of immov­able prop­er­ty as there is no nexus, direct or indi­rect, between the con­struc­tion of the hotel and ban­quet and the rental ser­vice availed. Fur­ther, mere cap­i­tal­iza­tion of the lease rental can­not make such ser­vices as received for the con­struc­tion of immov­able property.

4. The moot ques­tion, there­fore, is whether the lease rental paid dur­ing the pre oper­a­tive peri­od should be treat­ed as part of the cost of goods and ser­vices received for the pur­pose of con­struct­ing an immov­able prop­er­ty (oth­er than plant and machin­ery) on the Applicant’s own account.

Para 23 of AS10 is rel­e­vant. It says that the cost of a self-con­struct­ed asset should be deter­mined using the same prin­ci­ples as for an acquired asset, and it is usu­al­ly the same as the cost of con­struct­ing an asset for sale. When an immov­able prop­er­ty like a build­ing is sold the prof­it is com­put­ed after deduct­ing from the sale pro­ceeds the cost of the prop­er­ty, includ­ing the land. The cost of con­struct­ing the immov­able asset, there­fore, includes the lease rental paid for right to use the land on which the asset is built. Being an inte­gral part of the cost of the immov­able prop­er­ty the lease rental paid for the ser­vice of right to use the land is a sup­ply for con­struc­tion of the said property.

The Applicant’s argu­ment about absence of any nexus – direct or indi­rect — between the lease rental and con­struc­tion of the build­ings for hotel etc. is incor­rect. Con­struc­tion of the hotel etc. is impos­si­ble unless the Appli­cant enjoys unin­ter­rupt­ed right to use the land. It is clear from the Agree­ment that the Appli­cant can­not enjoy that right if he fails to pay the lease rental. Construction

of the immov­able prop­er­ty is, there­fore, crit­i­cal­ly depen­dent on the sup­ply of the leas­ing ser­vice. The nexus between them is, there­fore, direct and the two are insep­a­ra­ble. The leas­ing ser­vice for right to use the land is, there­fore, a sup­ply for con­struc­tion of the immov­able property.

The pro­hi­bi­tion from avail­ing input tax cred­it, as pro­vid­ed under sec­tion 17(5)(d) of the GST Act, is not lim­it­ed to the civ­il struc­ture being con­struct­ed. It extends to the immov­able prop­er­ty in gen­er­al (oth­er than plant and machin­ery), which includes the sup­plies received for retain­ing the right to use and devel­op the land. Such sup­plies are essen­tial for con­struc­tion of the civ­il struc­ture on the piece of land.

The Appli­cant will admit­ted­ly cap­i­tal­ize the lease pre­mi­um [refer to the fixed assets sched­ule: Note 12 to the Bal­ance Sheet as on 31/03/2018, the Appli­ca­tion and the Applicant’s writ­ten sub­mis­sion on rebut­tal to the con­cerned officer’s views]. The prop­er­ty is, there­fore, admit­ted­ly being con­struct­ed on the Applicant’s own account and treat­ed as fixed asset, includ­ing the lease rental paid. Whether the lease rental paid for the pre-oper­a­tive peri­od is cap­i­tal­ized under the head ‘Lease­hold Land’ or ‘Build­ing Block’ is of lit­tle sig­nif­i­cance in this context.

In the light of the above dis­cus­sion, it is held that the lease rental paid dur­ing the pre-oper­a­tive peri­od should be treat­ed as part of the cost of goods and ser­vices received for the pur­pose of con­struct­ing an immov­able prop­er­ty (oth­er than plant and machin­ery) on the Applicant’s own account. Input tax cred­it is, there­fore, not admis­si­ble on such lease rental in terms of sec­tion 17(5)(d) of the GST Act.

In view of the fore­go­ing we rule as under


Input Tax Cred­it is not avail­able to the Appli­cant for lease rent paid dur­ing pre-oper­a­tive peri­od for the lease­hold land on which the resort is being con­struct­ed on his own account to be used for fur­ther­ance of busi­ness, when the same is being cap­i­talised and treat­ed as cap­i­tal expenditure.

This rul­ing is valid sub­ject to the pro­vi­sions under Sec­tion 103 until and unless declared void under Sec­tion 104(1) of the GST Act.

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