Application Form for the Information Systems Audit (ISA) Assessment Test — June, 2015 [Last Date — 4th June, 2015] — (21–05-2015ca

ost of Online Appli­ca­tion Form : Rs. 100/- Exam Fee : Rs. 1000/-
Online Appli­ca­tion Form Starts at 10AM on 21st May 2015 Last Date : 4th June, 2015 (Upto 5:30 PM)

Can­di­dates are advised to care­ful­ly read, under­stand and fol­low the instruc­tions while fill­ing in the Form and retain the same for future reference

    1. Date of Exam­i­na­tion             Sat­ur­day, 27th June, 2015
    2. Tim­ings of Exam­i­na­tion       10.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. (IST)
    3. Exam­i­na­tion Fee                   Rs. 1100/- (Rupees One Thou­sand One Hun­dred Only) includ­ing Rs.100/- as cost of form.
    4. Mode of Pay­ment of Fee     Exam fee is to be remit­ted Online only using Master/ Visa/ Mae­stro Credit/Debit Card. How­ev­er, pay­ment through                                                 Net­Bank­ing is NOT accepted.
    5. Syl­labus

Effec­tive from 1st July, 2014, the Com­mit­tee on Infor­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy has revised the Syl­labus, for which the First Assess­ment Test was held in Decem­ber, 2014.

NOTE: ISA AT will be held with both Old and New Syl­labus in par­al­lel upto Decem­ber, 2015.

In view of the above, it has been decid­ed that the mem­bers who have passed the Eli­gi­bil­i­ty Test under Old Syl­labus here­inafter to be referred as “Old Syl­labus” will be required to take Assess­ment Test under Old Syl­labus and mem­bers who have passed Eli­gi­bil­i­ty Test under New Syl­labus here­inafter to be referred as “New Syl­labus” are required to take Assess­ment Test under New Syllabus.

Mem­bers are there­fore request­ed to kind­ly apply accord­ing­ly while sub­mit­ting online appli­ca­tion form for the said ISA-AT.

    1. Exam­i­na­tion Centres

The Insti­tute reserves its right to with­draw any cen­tre and / or the Zone and / or trans­fer all or a part of the can­di­dates of a zone to anoth­er zone at any stage with­out assign­ing any rea­son. Once a cen­tre is opt­ed for, no change is allowed under any cir­cum­stances unless the cen­tre has been with­drawn. Some of the big cities (Mum­bai and New Del­hi) have been divid­ed into zones, each zone cov­er­ing cer­tain areas. Each zone is treat­ed as an exam­i­na­tion cen­tre and allot­ted with a code number.


    1. Last date for fill­ing of online appli­ca­tion at the site is 4th June, 2015 (Upto 5.30 PM)

How the appli­ca­tion form (PDF) should reach the Institute?
Though the details are cap­tured online, yet, it is advised to send the print­out (PDF) of the filled-in form by Speed Post / Reg­is­tered Post along with copy of Mem­ber­ship Cer­tifi­cate or Iden­ti­ty Card etc. to the Deputy Sec­re­tary (Exams), The Insti­tute of Char­tered Accoun­tants of India, ‘ICAI Bhawan’, Indraprastha Marg,New Del­hi 110002, so as to reach him on or before 8th June, 2015 and also keep the copy of PDF for their records at least till the release of admit cards. Can­di­dates are fur­ther advised to check and ensure that a num­bered Bar­code and Fee trans­ac­tion details are appear­ing in the PDF indi­cat­ing that their appli­ca­tion has been suc­cess­ful­ly captured.

    1. Eli­gi­bil­i­ty Certificate

Can­di­dates who are not in receipt of Eli­gi­bil­i­ty Cer­tifi­cate are advised in their own inter­est to pur­sue their cas­es with the Sec­re­tary, Com­mit­tee on Infor­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy, The Insti­tute of Char­tered Accoun­tants of India, “ICAI” Bhawan, A‑29, Sec­tor-62, Noida.
Can­di­dates may sub­mit the Appli­ca­tion Form pend­ing receipt of Eli­gi­bil­i­ty Cer­tifi­cate by them, in case, they have oth­er­wise ful­filled all required criteria.
How­ev­er, mere pos­ses­sion of Pro­fes­sion­al Train­ing Cer­tifi­cate is not enough for becom­ing eli­gi­ble to appear in the Assess­ment Test unless a for­mal Eli­gi­bil­i­ty Cer­tifi­cate is issued by the Com­mit­tee on Infor­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy of the Insti­tute con­se­quent to pass­ing of Eli­gi­bil­i­ty Mod­u­lar Tests.

    1. Admis­sion to ISA Assess­ment Test

No can­di­date shall be admit­ted to the ISA Course Assess­ment Test unless he / she has been enrolled as a Mem­ber of the Insti­tute and has been issued the Eli­gi­bil­i­ty Cer­tifi­cate by the Com­mit­tee on Infor­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy of the Institute.

    1. Issue of Admit Card
      • The Admit Cards for the ISA Course Assess­ment Test will be host­ed on the same site i.e. by 15th June 2015 and can­di­dates are request­ed to down­load the same from the above web site
        All cor­re­spon­dence in the above mat­ter should be addressed to the Deputy Sec­re­tary (Exams.) of the Insti­tute at New Del­hi quot­ing the fol­low­ing for prompt action.
        • ISA Regn. No.
        • Bar Code Num­ber of Appli­ca­tion Form
        • Fee Trans­ac­tion Number
        • Name of the Cen­tre Opted
        • Tele­phone No.
        • E‑mail ID
      • In Case of any dif­fi­cul­ty, Deputy Sec­re­tary (Exams.), ICAI, C‑1, Sector‑1, Noi­da should be con­tact­ed by e‑mail at
        Helpline Desk tele­phone Nos. 0120–3054851, 3054852, 3054853, 3054854, 3054835, 3054836, 3054842, 4953751, 4953752, 4953753, 4953754, 4953742 and 3989398.
    2. Record of Ques­tion Paper Book­let and OMR Answer Sheet ten­dered at the Exam­i­na­tion Centre.

The Super­in­ten­dents of Exam­i­na­tion Cen­tres are being advised to issue receipt for the Ques­tion Paper Book­let and OMR Answer Sheet hand­ed over, through the Invig­i­la­tor, in the Admit Card.
Can­di­dates are, there­fore, advised to secure the sig­na­ture of the Invig­i­la­tor con­cerned while sub­mit­ting their Ques­tion Paper Book­let and OMR Answer Sheet and retain the Admit Card with them­selves as record of receipt, at least till the dec­la­ra­tion of result.
The Can­di­dates should sur­ren­der the Ques­tion Paper Book­let and OMR Answer Sheet before they leave the exam­i­na­tion hall.

    1. Require­ment for pass­ing the ISA Course Assess­ment Test

A can­di­date for the Infor­ma­tion Sys­tems Audit (ISA) Course Assess­ment Test shall be declared ordi­nar­i­ly to have passed the exam­i­na­tion if he / she obtains a min­i­mum of 75% of the scaled marks in aggre­gate in the ISA Course Assess­ment Test.

    1. Issue of State­ment of Marks and Pass Cer­tifi­cate of Infor­ma­tion Sys­tems Audit (ISA) Course Assess­ment Test

State­ment of Marks will be issued to all the can­di­dates who have appeared in the ISA Assess­ment Test nor­mal­ly in two weeks time from the date of dec­la­ra­tion of result, while pass cer­tifi­cates to the qual­i­fied can­di­dates will be issued nor­mal­ly in three months time.

    1. Ver­i­fi­ca­tion of answer sheet

After dec­la­ra­tion of result, a can­di­date may, if he/she so desires, apply for ver­i­fi­ca­tion of his/her answer sheet with­in one month from the date of dec­la­ra­tion of result. The ver­i­fi­ca­tion fee is Rs. 500/- .

    1. Refund of fee

The Fee once paid by a can­di­date shall not be refund­ed / adjust­ed under any cir­cum­stances except where a can­di­date applies to the Deputy Sec­re­tary (Exams) for the trans­fer of fee to the next Assess­ment Test only, on the ground that he/she was pre­vent­ed from attend­ing the Assess­ment Test on account of cir­cum­stances beyond his/her con­trol. Mul­ti­ple pay­ments made online, if any, received by the Insti­tute, due to sys­temic error, for a sin­gle mem­ber (using the cor­rect mem­ber­ship num­ber) , will be iden­ti­fied by the sys­tem and excess fee received will be refund­ed to the cred­it of the respec­tive accounts from where they orig­i­nat­ed, by the Insti­tute, with­in 45 days of the last date for sub­mis­sion of applications.
In case mul­ti­ple online pay­ments are received by the Insti­tute due to sys­temic error and you do not get a refund with­in 45 days from the last date for sub­mis­sion of appli­ca­tions, you can claim a refund of the excess amount paid by you, by writ­ing an email to us at with­in 60 days from the last date for sub­mis­sion of forms, along with doc­u­men­tary evi­dence, such as bank/credit card state­ment, of hav­ing paid the exam fees more than once. ICAI will ver­i­fy the same and refund the excess amount, if any, paid by you.

    1. For any/all dispute(s) relat­ing to the Infor­ma­tion Sys­tems Audit (ISA) Assess­ment Test con­duct­ed by the Insti­tute of Char­tered Accoun­tants of India, the Courts at Del­hi shall have exclu­sive jurisdiction.
    1. Pro­vid­ing cer­ti­fied copy/inspection of answer sheet

After dec­la­ra­tion of result, a can­di­date may if he/she so desires, apply for sup­ply of cer­ti­fied copy/inspection of his/her answer sheet with­in one month from the date of dec­la­ra­tion of result and only pho­to copy of the rel­e­vant OMR answer sheet will be pro­vid­ed. The rel­e­vant ques­tion paper/key will not be pro­vid­ed. The fee for the same is Rs.500/-.

NOTE : In the event of fur­nish­ing any incor­rect infor­ma­tion / mis­rep­re­sen­ta­tion, the admis­sion shall become invalid and No cor­re­spon­dence in this regard shall be entertained.

How to fill up Online Application Form for appearing in June, 2015 ISA-AT Examination and make online payment of Examination fee on

Step – 1 Login to the portal
The appli­cant shall vis­it the web­site, Click on APPLY ONLINE link on the home page and enter his/her Six Dig­it Mem­ber­ship num­ber and ISA reg­is­tra­tion num­ber. These details will be val­i­dat­ed with our data­base and the ISA-AT Appli­ca­tion form will be released for fill­ing. In case these details are not val­i­dat­ed, the appli­cant will be advised that the com­bi­na­tion of mem­ber­ship num­ber and ISA reg­is­tra­tion num­ber is not match­ing in which case the mem­ber­ship num­ber or ISA reg­is­tra­tion num­ber or both could be wrong and the appli­cant is advised to cor­rect that. You may vis­ to know your mem­ber­ship no. or vis­it status.aspx to know your ISA reg­is­tra­tion no. In case the appli­cant wish­es to still pro­ceed with this com­bi­na­tion, the ISA-AT online form will be released and the par­tic­u­lars will still be cap­tured but as ‘Pro­vi­sion­al’ candidate.
In case of any dif­fi­cul­ty in fill­ing online appli­ca­tion form for June, 2015 ISA-AT, please call helpline Nos. 0120- 3054851/852/853/854/835/836/842, 4953751/752/753/754/742 and 3989398 suf­fi­cient­ly well in time.
The appli­cant will fill the details and upload the pho­to­graph & sig­na­tures. Upload­ing of pho­to­graph & sig­na­tures as jpeg / jpg files is Manda­to­ry. The size of pho­to / sig­na­ture should not be more than 50KB each. Please do not include dots in the name of files (eg. Incor­rect nam­ing A.P.Kumar.jpg , Cor­rect nam­ing APKumar.jpg) Click here to know more about crop­ping of scanned files. (i.e. Pho­to­graph and Signature)

Step – 2 Online pay­ment of Exam­i­na­tion fee
For fill­ing of Online Exam­i­na­tion appli­ca­tion form for appear­ing in June, 2015 ISA-AT exam, a can­di­date has to remit a fee of Rs. 1100/- (Rupees Eleven hun­dred only) includ­ing Rs. 100.00 as the cost of Exam Appli­ca­tion Form. The Fee should be remit­ted using Online Pay­ment gate­way facil­i­ty with Visa/Master/Maestro Credit/Debit Card.
In case you are not able to make online pay­ment suc­cess­ful­ly, you may use some Oth­er Bank’s Master/Visa Credit/Debit Card and make online pay­ment of Exam­i­na­tion fee.
Exam­i­na­tion fees once paid will not be refund­ed under any cir­cum­stances (except as pro­vid­ed in Para No. 15 hereinbefore).

Step – 3 Check & Con­firm Sta­tus of Appli­ca­tion / Sub­mis­sion of Print­out (PDF) of the appli­ca­tion sub­mit­ted online
At the end of pay­ment process, a PDF file will be gen­er­at­ed con­tain­ing a Bar­code num­ber and Fee Pay­ment Trans­ac­tion par­tic­u­lars. Appli­cants are advised to send it by Speed Post / Reg­is­tered Post along with copy of Mem­ber­ship Cer­tifi­cate or Iden­ti­ty Card etc. at the address giv­en below so as to reach us on or before 8th June, 2015 and safe­ly keep a copy of this PDF for their records. The appli­cants are also advised to click on the “Check & Con­firm Sta­tus of Appli­ca­tion” link giv­en on the site which inti­mates if the pay­ment sta­tus at the exam por­tal has been cap­tured suc­cess­ful­ly. In a small num­ber of cas­es, the mon­ey may get deduct­ed from your account but while the sys­tem is writ­ing these details to our servers, a dis­con­nec­tion may hap­pen and hence, the request to check the sta­tus of application.
If the pay­ment has not been record­ed as suc­cess­ful for an attempt made by you, we request you to please pay again. In case mul­ti­ple online pay­ments are received by the Insti­tute due to sys­temic error and you do not get a refund with­in 45 days from the last date for sub­mis­sion of appli­ca­tions, you can claim a refund of the excess amount paid by you, by writ­ing to us at with­in 60 days from the last date for sub­mis­sion of forms, along with doc­u­men­tary evi­dence, such as bank/credit card state­ment, of hav­ing paid the exam fees more than once for the same Mem­ber­ship Num­ber. ICAI will ver­i­fy the same and refund the excess amount, if any, paid by you.

Address to which the print­out (PDF) of the appli­ca­tion form sub­mit­ted online has to be sent by Speed Post / Reg­is­tered Post:
The Deputy Sec­re­tary (Exams)
The Insti­tute of Char­tered Accoun­tants of India
ICAI Bhawan
Indraprastha Marg
New Del­hi 110 002.

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