Author: commerceclub

Appointment of CA Firm for Airport Authority of India- New Delhi

Engage­ment of firm of Char­tered Accountants/CMA for prepa­ra­tion of Accounts of Region­al Air Con­nec­tiv­i­ty Fund Trust & its ver­ti­cals and pro­vid­ing oth­er tax­a­tion relat­ed ser­vices to RACFT.  Air­ports Author­i­ty of India (Imple­ment­ing Agency) through Region­al Air Con­nec­tiv­i­ty Fund Trust invites sealed…

Due Diligence Report Format by Company Secretary for Bank

DILIGENCE REPORT To, The Man­ag­er,                                      (Name of the Bank) I/We have exam­ined the reg­is­ters, records, books and papers of                 Lim­it­ed hav­ing its reg­is­tered office at……………………………………………………… as required to be main­tained under the Com­pa­nies Act, 1956 (the Act) and the rules…

Formation Of GoM As Recommended By The GST Council

The GST Coun­cil in its 31st meet­ing held today at New Del­hi has approved the pro­pos­al to form a 7 Mem­ber Group of Min­is­ters to study the rev­enue trend, includ­ing analysing the rea­sons for struc­tur­al pat­terns affect­ing the rev­enue collection…

Amendments proposed in 31st GST Council Meet

In-Prin­­ci­­ple approval giv­en for Law Amend­ments dur­ing 31st Meet­ing of the GST Coun­cil The GST Coun­cil in its 31st meet­ing held today at New Del­hi gave in prin­ci­ple approval to the fol­low­ing amend­ments in the GST Acts: Cre­ation of a Cen­tralised Appellate…