BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS 1/14. CIT Scheme-VII‑M V.I.P Road Kakurganchi, Kolkata-700054 invite Accounting Personal


1/14. CIT Scheme-VII‑M V.I.P Road

Kakur­ganchi, Kolkata-700054


No. ERO/Ac­cts-25/Out­sourc­ing 22.12.2014

Sealed quo­ta­tions through the sin­gle bid sys­tem are invit­ed from inter­est­ed Char­tered Accoun­tant firms for pro­vid­ing the ser­vices as men­tioned in the scope of work (Annexure‑I). Doc­u­ments to be sub­mit­ted with the quo­ta­tion are men­tioned in Annex­ure-II. A copy of agree­ment to be signed on award of work order along with the terms and Con­di­tions are giv­en in annex­ure-III. If inter­est­ed in under­tak­ing the con­tract, the rates for the same may be quot­ed as per table giv­en below. The duly filled in quo­ta­tions, in a sealed cov­er men­tion­ing “Quo­ta­tions for Out­sourc­ing of Account­ing Job”, may be sent by post or dropped in the ten­der box kept at the secu­ri­ty booth of this office lat­est by 21st Jan­u­ary 2015 (3.00 PM). Quo­ta­tions received after the sched­uled date and time shall be sum­mar­i­ly rejected.

Quo­ta­tions shall be opened on the same day at 4:30 PM in the con­fer­ence room of ERO Main Build­ing at above men­tioned address in the pres­ence of such ten­der­er or their duly autho­rized Rep­re­sen­ta­tives as may like to be present.

The CA firm has to depute two nos. of suit­able com­pe­tent account­ing per­son­nel from Mon­day to Fri­day from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM.



  1. The Char­tered Accoun­tant firm shall ren­der to the ser­vices to Bureau of Indi­an Stan­dards, ERO, 1/14, C.I.T. Scheme, VII‑M, V.I.P Road, Kankur­gachi, Kolkata- 700054 for its smooth run­ning as may be required from time to time. Detailed descrip­tion for tak­ing ser­vices is as follow:
  2. a) Fil­ing of TDS return and com­pile with all the TDS relat­ed mat­ters with IT Deptt.
  3. b) Fil­ing of Ser­vice Tax return and com­pile with all the ser­vice tax relat­ed mat­ters with Ser­vice Tax Authority
  4. c) Fil­ing of Pro­fes­sion­al Tax return and com­pile with all the Pro­fes­sion­al Tax relat­ed mat­ters with the con­cerned Govt of West Ben­gal Department
  5. d) Prepa­ra­tion of Ser­vice Tax Input on month­ly basis
  6. e) Check­ing the rec­on­cil­i­a­tion for all 3 nos. of Bank Accounts.
  7. f) Help­ing and assis­tance in prepa­ra­tion of pay­ment relat­ed to Ser­vice Tax, Pro­fes­sion­al Tax and TDS mat­ters to the accounts depart­ment and to ensure for no fine and delay in sub­mis­sion of any statu­to­ry return relat­ed to Accounts of the BIS, ERO, Kolkata.
  8. g) Rec­on­cil­i­a­tion of TDS payable with paid by BIS, ERO on month­ly basis.
  9. h) Advance adjustment.
  10. i) Audit relat­ed with Ser­vice Tax, if any, CAG audit, Statu­to­ry audit, Inter­nal audit and reply of the paras if any, giv­en by the auditors.
  11. j) Prepa­ra­tion of Bud­get Register.
  12. k) Prepa­ra­tion and final­iza­tion of accounts at Region­al lev­el except bal­ance sheet. (to be pre­pared by Head Quarter)
  13. l) TDS relat­ed assess­ment both in the cas­es of receiv­able and payable, if any.
  14. m) Issue of TDS Cer­tifi­cate on behalf of BIS quar­ter­ly basis to the parties.
  15. n) Check­ing of Tri­al Bal­ance, All Ledgers, RDB, and Bank Book on month­ly basis.
  16. o) Com­pi­la­tion of Accounts on month­ly basis as well as year­ly basis and prepa­ra­tion of month­ly tri­al bal­ance along with all sup­port­ing sched­ules, Receipt & Pay­ment Account, etc.
  17. p) Prepa­ra­tion of Accounts up to TB stage and R & P A/c at year end. Rec­on­cil­i­a­tion and con­trolof accounts and sched­ules there­of. Rec­on­cil­i­a­tion with Head Quar­ters Accounts and inter­nal unit accounts, Rec­on­cil­i­a­tion of fixed assets and cur­rent assets accounts. Cir­cu­la­tion of depre­ci­a­tion as per law in assets Register/ Cards.
  18. q) To pro­vide nec­es­sary guid­ance on Ser­vice Tax Rules and for avail­ing of cred­it rules. Rec­on­cile the ser­vice tax deduct­ed and col­lect­ed from the par­ties and depo­si­tion of the same and fill­ing req­ui­site returns with­in pre­scribed time limit.
  19. r) Check­ing of appro­pri­ate­ness of tax deduc­tion at source from pay­ments to par­ties, its time­ly depo­si­tion and fil­ing of req­ui­site return by due date and guid­ance of TDS matters.
  20. s) For­mal­i­ties relat­ing to Ser­vice Tax and prepa­ra­tion of Uni­form for­mats of Accounts. To assist in Inter­nal Audit & Statu­to­ry Audit and also to assist in reply­ing audit reports/ Queries.
  21. t) The CA firm shall be per­son­al­ly respon­si­ble for the work allot­ted to him/her, from the stage of prepa­ra­tion of vouch­ers, prepar­ing ledgers/ account­ing books/ reg­is­ters to end prod­uct (i.e. tri­al balance/ receipt & pay­ment account/ bal­ance sheet with all sup­port­ing sched­ules). S/He shall sign each and every page of these records and final out­put in the form of var­i­ous returns and reports etc
  22. u) S/He shall pre­pare and main­tain all ledgers/ account­ing books, sched­ules etc. includ­ing the following:
  23. v) Assets reg­is­ter maintenance.
  24. w) Man­u­al ledger for EMD, SD, Advances etc.
  25. x) Set­tle­ment of old issues/ advances etc.
  26. y) Rec­on­cil­i­a­tion on month­ly basis with HQ A/c, Inter Office A/c.
  27. z) Oth­er works allot­ted as per requirement.
  28. aa) Final­iza­tion of Accounts at Region­al lev­el with prepa­ra­tion of all sched­ules as relat­ed with Tri­al Balance.
  29. bb) Physichal ver­i­fi­ca­tion of Assets of the BIS, ERO, Kolkata;
  30. cc) Inter Office Accounts Rec­on­cil­i­a­tion with the branches/sub branches/NITS/Hqrs.
  31. dd) Any oth­er account relat­ed mat­ter and any­thing con­sid­ered nec­es­sary towards above.


Doc­u­ments to be sub­mit­ted with the Tender:

Doc­u­ments list­ed in the fol­low­ing check list may be sub­mit­ted along with the quotation(s).

Sl.No.                          Descrip­tion of require­ment                            Yes/No                         Page No

  1. The firm should be reg­is­tered Yes/No

with the ICAI under provisions

of rel­e­vant act to pro­vide the

pro­fes­sion­al ser­vices and its

valid­i­ty date and enclose copy

of reg­is­tra­tion cer­tifi­cate with

ICAI of the firm.

  1. Copies of Bal­ance Sheet and

P&L A/c for the last 3 years duly

cer­ti­fied by CA

  1. Copies of Bal­ance Sheet and P&L A/c for the last 3 years duly cer­ti­fied by CA


  1. Copy of Reg­is­tra­tion certificate/allotment let­ter of ser­vice tax num­ber. if applicable


4 Copy of Reg­is­tra­tion certificate/allotment let­ter PAN from Income Tax



  1. Pro­for­ma con­tain­ing details of oth­er orga­ni­za­tion where such con­tracts were/are

under­tak­en (attach sup­port­ive documents)


  1. DD of Rs.10000/- as EMD in favour of “Bureau of Indi­an Stan­dards” payable at Kolkata


  1. List of Arbi­tra­tra­tion cas­es (if applicable)

Do not leave it blank. If there are no such cas­es, write “Not Applicable”.

Yes/No/Not applic­a­ble

  1. Qual­i­fi­ca­tion and expe­ri­ence cer­tifi­cates of the per­son who shall be deput­ed at this office. Enclose attest­ed copies..


  1. Accep­tance of terms and con­di­tions attached. Each page of terms and con­di­tions to be duly signed as token of accep­tance and sub­mit­ted as part of ten­der document.


  1. Copy of last income tax return Yes/No
  2. Under­tak­ing by the bid­der to the effect that there is no police case pend­ing against the proprietor/firm/parties relat­ing to pre­vi­ous ser­vice contracts.


  1. Office address in Kolkata. Yes/No
  2. At least two cur­rent­ly valid con­tracts for sim­i­lar work Yes/No

Dec­la­ra­tion by the Tenderer:

This is to cer­ti­fy that I/We before sign­ing this ten­der have read and ful­ly under­stood all the terms and con­di­tions con­tained here­in and under­take myself/ourselves to abide by them.

Encls: 1. DD/Pay Order No……………

(Sig­na­ture of Ten­der­er with seal)



Office Address:

Date: Phone No ( O):

NOTE: Sub­mis­sion of all the doc­u­ments men­tioned above along with dec­la­ra­tion, is mandatory.

Non sub­mis­sion of any of the infor­ma­tion above may ren­der the bid to be reject­ed Annexure-III


(To be signed on non-judi­cial stamp paper of Rs. 50/-)

THIS AGREEMENT IS MADE ON______________between the Bureau of Indian

Stan­dards, ERO, 1/14, C.I.T. Scheme, VII‑M, V.I.P. Road, Kankur­gachi, Kolkata-

  1. (Here­inafter called the Bureau of the one part)

and______________________________(hereinafter called the Con­trac­tor of the

oth­er part)

WHEREAS the Bureau is desirous of entrust­ing the Account­ing Job Work, at its

ERO, Kolkata, the CA firm has offered to ren­der the same at the said premises.


  1. This agree­ment is valid for the peri­od com­menc­ing from

____________to________both days inclusive.

  1. The CA firm shall relieve the Bureau of the first part of all wor­ries about the up keep and per­for­mance of Account­ing Job Work to the sat­is­fac­tion of Bureau of the FIRST PART.

4 The Char­tered Accoun­tant firm shall ren­der to the ser­vices to Bureau of Indi­an Stan­dards, ERO, Kolkata, for its smooth run­ning as may be required from time to time.

Detailed descrip­tion for tak­ing ser­vices is as follows:

  1. a) Com­pi­la­tion of Accounts on month­ly basis and prepa­ra­tion of MONTHLY tri­al bal­ance along with all sup­port­ing sched­ules, Receipt & Pay­ment Account, etc.
  2. b) Prepa­ra­tion of Acounts upto TB stage and R&P A/c at year end. Rec­on­cil­i­a­tion and con­trol of accounts and sched­ules there­of. Rec­on­cil­i­a­tion with Head Quar­ters Accounts and inter­nal unit accounts, Rec­on­cil­i­a­tion of fixed assets and cur­rent assets accounts.
  3. c) Ser­vice Tax for­mal­i­ty and tax deduct­ed at source work like:
  4. i) To pro­vide nec­es­sary guid­ance on Ser­vice Tax Rules and for avail­ing of cred­it rules.

Rec­on­cile the ser­vice tax deduct­ed and col­lect­ed from the par­ties and depo­si­tion of the same and fill­ing req­ui­site returns.

  1. ii) Check­ing of appro­pri­ate­ness of tax deduc­tion at source from pay­ments to par­ties, its time­ly depo­si­tion and fil­ing of req­ui­site return by due date and guid­ance of TDS matters.
  2. d) Recov­ery of tax­es, if any from time to time. To over­see the time­ly adjust­ment of advances/ recov­er­ies, real­iza­tion of out­stand­ing due, write off old dues, clear­ance of old out­stand­ing debits/ cred­its of more than one months in the bank rec­on­cil­i­a­tion state­ment and watch­ing any oth­er accounts mat­ter requir­ing time­ly com­ple­tion and month­ly report to Heads of RO/BO thereon.
  3. e) For­mal­i­ties relat­ing to Ser­vice Tax and prepa­ra­tion of Uni­form for­mats of Accounts.

The CA firm shall be per­son­al­ly respon­si­ble for the work allot­ted to him/her, from the stage of prepa­ra­tion of vouch­ers, prepar­ing ledgers/ account­ing books/ reg­is­ters to end prod­uct (i.e. tri­al balance/ receipt & pay­ment account/ bal­ance sheet with all sup­port­ing sched­ules). S/He shall sign each and every page of these records and final out­put in the form of var­i­ous returns and reports etc.

  1. f) S/he shall pre­pare and main­tain all ledgers/ account­ing books, sched­ules etc. includ­ing the following:
  2. g) Assets register
  3. h) Man­u­al ledgers for EMD, SD, Advances etc.
  4. i) Set­tle­ment of old issues/ advances etc.j) Rec­on­cil­i­a­tion on month­ly basis with HQ A/c, Inter Office A/c.
  5. k) Prepa­ra­tion of JVs in time.
  6. l) Oth­er works allot­ted as per requirement.
  7. m) S/he shall impart train­ing in a for­mal way to the staff of A&F for doing account­ing job along with train­ing to run the tal­ly programme.
  8. n) Any oth­er account relat­ed mat­ter and any­thing con­sid­ered nec­es­sary towards above.
  9. o) There should be no mis­take in book­ing of wrong heads/figures while feeding/posting the vouch­ers. Month­ly Tri­al Bal­ance, Receipt & Pay­ment A/c shall be tal­lied with the HQ’s accounts and with the sup­port­ing ledger/accounting books.

5 The agency shall be sole­ly respon­si­ble for com­pli­ance to pro­vi­sions of var­i­ous labour, indus­tri­al and any oth­er laws applic­a­ble and all statu­to­ry oblig­a­tions relat­ing to per­son­nel deployed in ERO Main Build­ing. The ERO Main Build­ing shall have no lia­bil­i­ty in this regard.

Also no lia­bil­i­ty in case of death of per­son deput­ed by CA firm with­in or out­side the BIS premises.

6 The agency shall be sole­ly respon­si­ble for any accident/ medical/ health relat­ed liability/ com­pen­sa­tion for the per­son­nel deployed by it at ERO. The ERO shall have no lia­bil­i­ty in this regard.

7 Any vio­la­tion of instruction/ agree­ment or sup­pres­sion of facts will attract can­cel­la­tion of agree­ment with­out any ref­er­ence or any notice period.

8 The con­tract can be ter­mi­nat­ed by giv­ing two month’s notice on either side.

9 In case of non-com­pli­ance with the con­tract, the Bureau reserves its right to:

  1. Cancel/Revoke the con­tract, and/or
  2. Impose penal­ty up to 10% of the total annu­al val­ue of contract.
  3. The per­son deput­ed by the firm shall not claim to become the employ­ees of BIS, ERO and there will be no employ­ee and employ­er rela­tion­ship between the per­son engaged by the CA firm for deploy­ment in ERO..
  4. There shall be no increase in rates payable to the Agency dur­ing the con­tract period.
  5. The firm also agrees to com­ply with Annexed terms and con­di­tions and amend­ments there­to from time to time.

13 Deci­sion of BIS in regard to inter­pre­ta­tion of the terms and con­di­tions and the Agree­ment shall be final and bind­ing on the firm.

  1. In case of any dis­pute between the Agency and ERO, ERO shall have the right to decide.

How­ev­er, all mat­ters of juris­dic­tion shall be at the local courts locat­ed at


  1. The firm shall ensure that no loss or dam­age to any prop­er­ty of Bureau’s ERO

Lab­o­ra­to­ry due to lapse on the part of the per­son­nel deployed by the man­pow­er agency dis­charg­ing their respon­si­bil­i­ties, the such loss shall be com­pen­sat­ed by the con­tract­ing Agency and in this con­nec­tion, the Bureau shall have the right to deduct appro­pri­ate amount from the bill etc. to make good of such loss to the Bureau besides impo­si­tion of penal­ty. In case of any deficiencies/lapses on the part of the per­son­nel deployed by the con­trac­tor, the Bureau shall be with­in its right to ter­mi­nate the con­tract forth­with or take any oth­er action with­out assign­ing any rea­son whatsoever.16. For the above ser­vices the Bureau agrees to pay to the CA Firm, a con­sol­i­dat­ed annu­al remu­ner­a­tion of

Rs…………………… (Rupees….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….…)


which the bills to be sub­mit­ted by the CA firm, in dupli­cate, on monthly/quarterly basis. The said amount of Rs………………….to be paid to the CA firm includes all expens­es of the CA

Firm towards emol­u­ments of the account­ing per­son­nel, their per­son­al require­ments and

con­veyance, trans­port charges, etc, and peri­od­ic inspec­tions by the offi­cers of the con­trac­tor, oth­er lia­bil­i­ties under the var­i­ous leg­is­la­tions and any oth­er inci­den­tal charges.

17 All applic­a­ble tax­es shall be deduct­ed from the pay­ment of bill unless exempted.

  1. The CA Firm shall be ful­ly respon­si­ble for the com­pli­ance of applic­a­ble Char­tered Accoun­tant Laws in force and oth­er Govt. Orders.
  2. The CA firm shall at all times indem­ni­fy and keep indem­ni­fied the Bureau against any claim on account of disability/ death of any of its per­son­nel caused while pro­vid­ing the ser­vices within/ out­side its premis­es or oth­er premis­es of the Bureau which may be made under the Workmen’s Com­pen­sa­tion Act, 1923 or any oth­er Acts or any oth­er statu­to­ry mod­i­fi­ca­tions there­of or oth­er­wise for or in respect of any claim for dam­age or com­pen­sa­tion payable in con­se­quence of any acci­dent or injury sus­tained by any work­ing or oth­er per­son­nel of the CA firm or in respect of any claim, dam­age or com­pen­sa­tion under labour laws or oth­er laws or rules made there under by any per­son whether in the employ­ment of the CA firm or not, who pro­vid­ed or pro­vides the services.
  3. In the event of any dis­putes the deci­sion of the DDGE, ERO shall be final and binding.
  4. In case of any dis­pute aris­ing out of this busi­ness or inter­pre­ta­tion of any clause of the agree­ment, the Court of Kolkata. Alone shall have the juris­dic­tion to try and decided.
  5. The Ten­der doc­u­ment as a whole shall also be part of this agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF both the par­ties have set and sub­scribed their respec­tive hands with their Seal in Kolk­ta in the pres­ence of the witness.

ERO, Bureau of Indi­an Standards







  1. Annex­ure to Agreement

TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT FOR “Hir­ing of ser­vices of CA Firm”

(Annex­ure to Agreement)

  1. SCOPE OF WORK: “Hir­ing of ser­vices of CA Firm” ON CONTRACT BASIS at

BIS, 1/14, C.I.T. Scheme, VII‑M, V.I.P. Road, Kankur­gachi, Kolkata-700054 by deploy­ing required num­ber of con­tract personnel.

  2. The said con­tract will be ini­tial­ly for a peri­od of one year com­menc­ing from the date of sign­ing the con­tract which may be extend­ed fur­ther for a max­i­mum peri­od of one year with same terms & con­di­tions sub­ject to mutu­al con­sent of both the par­ties and sub­ject to sat­is­fac­to­ry per­for­mance of con­tract. How­ev­er, in nor­mal cir­cum­stances the Agree­ment is ter­minable by giv­ing two month notice in writ­ing by either par­ty to the agreement.
  3. The Con­tract­ing Agency shall ren­der the ser­vices as men­tioned in the scope of work in annex­ure –I of the ten­der doc­u­ment to BISERO.
  4. The work­ing hours will be as under:

From 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM from Mon­day to Fri­day. Sat­ur­day and Sun­day are hol­i­day on account of being week­end days. They may also be called on Saturdays/Sundays/Gazetted hol­i­days as and when required for which extra pay­ment per per­son per day basis will be given.

  1. The per­son­nel deployed shall be healthy, active. Nobody shall have any com­mu­ni­ca­ble diseases.
  2. The CA firm shall bear all expens­es regard­ing prepa­ra­tion of Iden­ti­ty card, com­pen­sa­tions, wages and allowances (DA), PF, ESI, Bonus and Gra­tu­ity as applic­a­ble relat­ing to per­son­nel engaged by him and abide by the pro­vi­sions of var­i­ous labour leg­is­la­tions. Pay­ment to the firm shall be made on monthly/quarterly basis on sub­mis­sion of bill by the firm and on ren­der­ing sat­is­fac­to­ry ser­vice by the firm.
  3. Replace­ment of per­son as required by the Bureau will be effect­ed prompt­ly by the


firm; if the firm wish­es to replace any of the per­son­nel, the same shall be done after pri­or con­sul­ta­tion with the Bureau. The full par­tic­u­lars of the per­son­nel to be deployed by the con­trac­tor includ­ing the names and address shall be fur­nished to the Bureau along with tes­ti­mo­ni­als before they are actu­al­ly deployed for the job. Firm should not make too fre­quent changes in the CA.

  1. In case of any loss that might be caused to the Bureau due to lapse on the part of the per­son­nel deployed by the man­pow­er agency dis­charg­ing their respon­si­bil­i­ties, such loss shall be com­pen­sat­ed by the con­tract­ing Agency and in this con­nec­tion, the Bureau shall have the right to deduct appro­pri­ate amount from the bill etc. to make good of such loss to the Bureau besides impo­si­tion of penal­ty. In case of any deficiencies/lapses on the part of the per­son­nel deployed by the con­trac­tor, the Bureau shall be with­in its right to ter­mi­nate the con­tract forth­with or take any oth­er action with­out assign­ing any rea­son whatsoever.
  2. In case of death or mishap lead­ing to any injury or dis­abil­i­ty what­so­ev­er, occurred dur­ing dis­charg­ing the duty, the com­pen­sa­tion /legal or any oth­er lia­bil­i­ty will sole­ly rest with the CA firm.
  3. That CA firm’s autho­rized rep­re­sen­ta­tive (Owner/Director/Partner/Manager) shall per­son­al­ly con­tact Head of the BIS, ERO or the office in charge of Accounts at BIS, ERO at least once a month to get a feed­back on the ser­vices ren­dered by the con­trac­tor vis-a-vis cor­rec­tive action required to make the ser­vices more efficient
  4. In the event of per­son deput­ed by CA firm being on leave/absent, the CA firm shall ensure suit­able alter­na­tive arrange­ment to make up for such absence.11. The suc­cess­ful bid­der would have to deposit an amount of 10% of Annu­al con­tract of val­ue towards secu­ri­ty deposit through Demand Draft/pay order/FDR/Bank Guar­an­tee from a com­mer­cial bank in favour of BIS which would remain with BIS dur­ing the con­tract peri­od and no inter­est shall be payable on the Secu­ri­ty Deposit amount.
  5. The per­son deployed by the CA firm shall have the required qual­i­fi­ca­tion. In case of non­com­pli­ance/non-per­for­mance of the ser­vices accord­ing to the terms of the con­tract, the Bureau shall be at lib­er­ty to make suit­able deduc­tions (rang­ing from 2% to 10%) from the bill with­out prej­u­dice to its right under oth­er pro­vi­sions of the con­tract. Penal­ty upto 5% may also be imposed, if there are fre­quent changes of employ­ees deployed at this office by the contractor.
  6. The CA firm shall be sole­ly liable for all payment/dues of the work­ers employed and deployed by him with reli­able evi­dence pro­vid­ed to the Bureau. In the event, Bureau makes any pay­ment or incurs any lia­bil­i­ty; the con­trac­tor shall indem­ni­fy the Bureau completely;
  7. In case of any dis­pute aris­ing out of this agree­ment then DDGE, ERO, BIS shall nom­i­nate any offi­cer of the BIS a sole arbi­tra­tor to adju­di­cate upon the issue involved in the dis­pute and the pro­vi­sions of the Arbi­tra­tion Act shall be applicable.
  8. In case of any dis­pute with regard to pro­vid­ing ser­vices and inter­pre­ta­tion of any clause of the Agree­ment, Cal­cut­ta Court will have the juris­dic­tion to set­tle and decide all the disputes

.16. Income Tax TDS as per rules shall be deduct­ed from the bills of the con­trac­tor as per applic­a­ble laws.

  1. Any vio­la­tion of instructions/agreement or sup­pres­sion of facts will attract can­cel­la­tion of agree­ment with­out any reference.
  2. The CA firm will be held whol­ly respon­si­ble for any action tak­en by statu­to­ry bod­ies for vio­la­tion/non-com­pi­la­tion of any such provision/rule. 19. If any of the per­son­nel of the con­trac­tor indulges in theft or any illegal/irregular activ­i­ties, mis­con­duct, the con­trac­tor will take appro­pri­ate action as per law and rules against its erring per­son­nel in con­sul­ta­tion with this office and inti­mate the action tak­en to this office. If need be, an FIR should be lodged against the erring per­son­nel. Such per­son­nel who

indulge in such type of activ­i­ties, should not be fur­ther employed in this office by the con­trac­tor in any case.

  1. When­ev­er there is a dupli­ca­tion of clause either in the terms and con­di­tions or in the agree­ment, the clause which is ben­e­fi­cial to the ERO, BIS will be con­sid­ered applic­a­ble at the time of any dispute/following any statu­to­ry rules.


Note: These terms and con­di­tions are part of the Contract/Agreement as indi­cat­ed in the Agree­ment between BIS, ERO and the Agency and any non-com­pli­ance shall be deemed as breach of the Contract/Agreement.

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