Category: Finance

RBI has released Taliban Sanction List

RBI Has released Tal­iban Sanc­tion List & instruct­ed Region­al Rur­al Banks and State / cen­tral Coop­er­a­tive Banks to update the list of individuals/entities as cir­cu­lat­ed by Reserve Bank and before open­ing any new account, it should be ensured that the name/s…

FII inflows at seven-month low in India

For­eign insti­tu­tion­al investors’ (FIIs) $1‑billion inflows into Indi­an equi­ties in Sep­tem­ber made it the worst month in terms of over­seas flows seen in the last sev­en months. The BSE bench­mark Sen­sex end­ed ‑0.03% low­er in Sep­tem­ber after end­ing each of…

Essential goods’ prices under Central government watch

The Naren­dra Modi gov­ern­ment has set up a mech­a­nism to mon­i­tor prices of key essen­tial com­modi­ties to ensure there is no unusu­al flar­ing in the ongo­ing fes­ti­val sea­son. The Prime Min­is­ter’s Office is being sent dai­ly updates on the food price sit­u­a­tion in four…

Banks may tighten their norms for Fixed Deposits also

The Finance Min­istry has asked pub­lic sec­tor banks to tight­en norms, includ­ing KYC mon­i­tor­ing for high-val­ue fixed deposits, to check the kind of frauds sus­pect­ed to have been com­mit­ted at Dena Bank and OBC. The min­istry would like banks to make a full-proof arrangement…