Category: Others

Track Govt Employees attendance Online

An elec­tron­ic sur­veil­lance sys­tem to keep track of punc­tu­al­i­ty of gov­ern­ment offi­cials will become ful­ly oper­a­tional by the month end. Online tri­al run of the live bio­met­ric atten­dance sys­tem (BAS) have begun and atten­dance of over 50,000 employ­ees from 148 departments…

Swiss Bank to provide timely info on black money

In a major break­through in Indi­a’s fight against black mon­ey alleged­ly stashed abroad, Switzer­land on Wednes­day said it will exam­ine Indi­an requests for bank­ing infor­ma­tion on a pri­or­i­ty basis and pro­vide request­ed details in a time-bound man­ner. The Swiss author­i­ties would also “assist…

SEBI issues guidelines on one-time registration process

Sebi on Mon­day issued guide­lines to stock exchanges and clear­ing hous­es that require them to share infor­ma­tion about their mem­bers, among oth­ers, as part of stream­lin­ing the reg­is­tra­tion process for mar­ket enti­ties. The Secu­ri­ties and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) had…

September retail inflation comes down to 6.46%

Indi­a’s annu­al con­sumer price infla­tion eased for a sec­ond straight month in Sep­tem­ber to 6.46 per­cent, its low­est lev­el since the gov­ern­ment start­ed releas­ing the data in 2012. With core infla­tion com­ing off incre­men­tal­ly, RBI’s com­ments on con­trol­ling infla­tion may…

Merger &Acquisition hit a downfall of 65%

Merg­ers and acqui­si­tions deals in India have dropped 65 per cent sequen­tial­ly to $4.7 bil­lion in the quar­ter end­ing Sep­tem­ber, accord­ing to Merg­er­mar­ket, a glob­al M&A intel­li­gence ser­vice provider. Deals in the quar­ter were 20 per cent low­er than $5.9…

Amazon and Future Group ink deal to sell goods online

The world’s largest online store Ama­zon and Indi­a’s largest list­ed retail­er Future Group have signed a deal to joint­ly sell goods over the Inter­net amid grow­ing fric­tion between online and offline retail­ers over heavy dis­count­ing. Future Group will sell more…