Category: RBI

Scheme of Incentives & Penalties – Review: RBI

RBI/2014–15/604 DCM (CC) No. 4846/03.41.01/2014–15 May 21, 2015 Please refer to our Mas­ter Cir­cu­lar DCM (CC) No.G‑5/03.39.01/2014–15 dat­ed July 1, 2014 on the cap­tioned sub­ject. 2. As you are aware, the scheme of Incen­tives & Penal­ties was intro­duced in 2008 and has…

Valuation method of Gold declared by RBI for Lending against Gold

RBI/2014–15/605 DNBR.CC.PD.No.036/03.10.01/2014–15 May 21, 2015 Lend­ing against secu­ri­ty of sin­gle prod­uct — Gold Jew­ellery Please refer to the cir­cu­lars DNBS.CC.PD.No.356/03.10.01/2013–14 dat­ed Sep­tem­ber 16, 2013 and DNBS.CC.PD.No.365/03.10.01/2013–14 dat­ed Jan­u­ary 08, 2014 on the cap­tioned sub­ject. Share on: whatsapp

Banks to implementation of Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY) and Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY) from 01.06.2015

RBI/2014–15/585 DCBR.BPD (PCB ) Cir.No.8/12.05.001/2014–15 May 5, 2015 Modal­i­ties for imple­men­ta­tion of Prad­han Mantri Jee­van Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY) and Prad­han Mantri Surak­sha Bima Yojana (PMSBY) Gov­ern­ment of India, Min­istry of Finance intends to roll out Prad­han Mantri Jee­van Jyoti Bima Yojana…

Formalities for Opening of branches/extension counters by State Co-operative Banks

RBI/2014–15/586 DCBR.CO.RCB.No.BC.34/19.51.008/2014–15 May 07, 2015 Please refer to our cir­cu­lar RPCD.CO.RF.BC.No.14/07.06.00/2009–10 dat­ed August 4, 2009 on “Open­ing of new place of busi­ness by State Coop­er­a­tive Banks”. The pol­i­cy for open­ing of branches/extension counters/specialized branch­es with­in the area of oper­a­tion of the State…

Framework for dealing with loan frauds by RBI for Banks

RBI/2014–15/590 DBS.CO.CFMC.BC.No.007/23.04.001/2014–15 May 7, 2015 The ris­ing trend in loan relat­ed frauds in the finan­cial sec­tor is a mat­ter of seri­ous con­cern. Equal­ly dis­qui­et­ing is the delay in detec­tion and report­ing of such frauds by banks. The issues relat­ing to pre­ven­tion, early…