Category: RBI

Distribution of Mutual Fund products by NBFCs: RBI

RBI/2014–15/578 DNBR. (PD).CC.No. 033/03.10.001/2014–15 April 30, 2015 Please refer to the Cir­cu­lar No. DNBS (PD) CC. No.84/03.10.27/2006–07 dat­ed Decem­ber 04, 2006 on the cap­tioned sub­ject. 2. On a review, since the dis­tri­b­u­tion of Mutu­al Fund prod­ucts by the NBFCs Share on: whatsapp

Merchanting Trade to Nepal and Bhutan

RBI/2014–15/580 A.P.(DIR Series) Cir­cu­lar No. 97 April 30, 2015 Atten­tion of Autho­rised Deal­er Category‑I (AD Category‑I) banks is invit­ed to A.P. (DIR Series) Cir­cu­lar No. 115 dat­ed March 28, 2014. In terms of the revised mer­chant­i­ng trade guide­lines stip­u­lat­ed there­in, for a trade…

Acquisition of Accommodation on Lease/Rental basis by Commercial Banks for their use (i.e. for Office and Residence of Staff) – Liberalization of guidelines

RBI/2014–15/582 DBR.No.BAPD.BC.92/22.01.003/2014–15 April 30, 2015 Please refer to Cir­cu­lars DBOD.No.BL.BC.105/22.01.03/98 dat­ed Novem­ber 11, 1998, DBOD.No.BL.BC.32/22.01.003/ 2008-09 dat­ed August 21, 2008 and DBOD. No.BAPD.BC.59/22.01.003/2012–13 dat­ed Novem­ber 20, 2012 on the above sub­ject. Share on: whatsapp

Mandatory Leave for Employees Posted in Sensitive Positions or Areas of Operation in Bank: RBI

RBI/2014–15/563 DBR.No.BP.BC.88/21.04.048/2014–15 April 23, 2015 Please refer to our cir­cu­lar DBS.CO.FrMC.BC.No.10/23.04.001/2010–11 dat­ed May 31, 2011 on ‘Find­ings of Foren­sic Scru­ti­ny- Guide­lines for pre­ven­tion of frauds’, in terms of which banks were advised to imme­di­ate­ly put in place ‘staff rota­tion’ pol­i­cy and policy…

Priority Sector Lending-Targets and Classification

RBI/2014–15/573 April 23, 2015 PRIORITY SECTOR LENDING-TARGETS AND CLASSIFICATION An Inter­nal Work­ing Group (IWG) was set up in July 2014 to revis­it the exist­ing pri­or­i­ty sec­tor lend­ing guide­lines. The report of the IWG was placed in the pub­lic domain invit­ing comments.…

Provisioning pertaining to Fraud Loan Accounts for Banks: RBI

RBI/2014–15/535 DBR.No.BP.BC.83/21.04.048/2014–15 April 1, 2015 Pro­vi­sion­ing per­tain­ing to Fraud Accounts Please refer to the guide­lines com­piled in para­graph 4.2.9 of Mas­ter Cir­cu­lar on Pru­den­tial Norms on Income Recog­ni­tion, Asset Clas­si­fi­ca­tion and Pro­vi­sion­ing per­tain­ing to Advances dat­ed July 1, 2014, in terms…