RBI/2014–15/577 DCBR.CO.BPD.(SCB).No.1/13.05.000/2014–15 April 30, 2015 Please refer to para 26 of First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement 2015–16 (extract appended) by Reserve Bank of India on April 07, 2015 on the captioned subject. Share on: whatsapp
Category: RBI
Distribution of Mutual Fund products by NBFCs: RBI
RBI/2014–15/578 DNBR. (PD).CC.No. 033/03.10.001/2014–15 April 30, 2015 Please refer to the Circular No. DNBS (PD) CC. No.84/03.10.27/2006–07 dated December 04, 2006 on the captioned subject. 2. On a review, since the distribution of Mutual Fund products by the NBFCs Share on: whatsapp
Merchanting Trade to Nepal and Bhutan
RBI/2014–15/580 A.P.(DIR Series) Circular No. 97 April 30, 2015 Attention of Authorised Dealer Category‑I (AD Category‑I) banks is invited to A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 115 dated March 28, 2014. In terms of the revised merchanting trade guidelines stipulated therein, for a trade…
Acquisition of Accommodation on Lease/Rental basis by Commercial Banks for their use (i.e. for Office and Residence of Staff) – Liberalization of guidelines
RBI/2014–15/582 DBR.No.BAPD.BC.92/22.01.003/2014–15 April 30, 2015 Please refer to Circulars DBOD.No.BL.BC.105/22.01.03/98 dated November 11, 1998, DBOD.No.BL.BC.32/22.01.003/ 2008-09 dated August 21, 2008 and DBOD. No.BAPD.BC.59/22.01.003/2012–13 dated November 20, 2012 on the above subject. Share on: whatsapp
Mandatory Leave for Employees Posted in Sensitive Positions or Areas of Operation in Bank: RBI
RBI/2014–15/563 DBR.No.BP.BC.88/21.04.048/2014–15 April 23, 2015 Please refer to our circular DBS.CO.FrMC.BC.No.10/23.04.001/2010–11 dated May 31, 2011 on ‘Findings of Forensic Scrutiny- Guidelines for prevention of frauds’, in terms of which banks were advised to immediately put in place ‘staff rotation’ policy and policy…
Non Whole Time Director will not be considered as Defaulter in case of default in repayment is made by Company: RBI
RBI/2014–15/565 DBR.No.CID.BC.89/20.16.001/2014–15 April 23, 2015 Please refer to our Circular DBOD.No.DL.BC.54/20.16.001/2001–02 dated December 22, 2001 on the above subject. 2. As you are aware, Section 2(60) of the Companies Act, 2013 defines an officer who is in default to mean only the…
Process of Collection and Dissemination of Information on Wilful Defaulters
RBI/2014–15/566 DBR.No.CID.BC.90/20.16.003/2014–15 April 23, 2015 Please refer to the Master Circular on Wilful Defaulters DBR.No.CID.BC.57/20.16.003/2014–15 dated January 7, 2015. 2. Paragraph 3 of the Circular has been amended as follows (amended portion in bold italics): Share on: whatsapp
Rights of transgender persons – Changes in bank forms/applications etc: RBI
RBI/2014–15/572 DBR.No.Leg.BC.91/09.07.005/2014–15 April 23, 2015 It has been brought to our notice that transgender persons face difficulties in opening accounts as there is no provision for them in the account opening and other forms. Share on: whatsapp
Priority Sector Lending-Targets and Classification
RBI/2014–15/573 April 23, 2015 PRIORITY SECTOR LENDING-TARGETS AND CLASSIFICATION An Internal Working Group (IWG) was set up in July 2014 to revisit the existing priority sector lending guidelines. The report of the IWG was placed in the public domain inviting comments.…
Provisioning pertaining to Fraud Loan Accounts for Banks: RBI
RBI/2014–15/535 DBR.No.BP.BC.83/21.04.048/2014–15 April 1, 2015 Provisioning pertaining to Fraud Accounts Please refer to the guidelines compiled in paragraph 4.2.9 of Master Circular on Prudential Norms on Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning pertaining to Advances dated July 1, 2014, in terms…