Category: Service Tax

Demand raised without Show Cause Notice is Void

Demand raised after Show Cause Notice to present enti­ty only is also Void & not applic­a­ble on the pre­vi­ous enti­ty of the same busi­ness. Andhra Pradesh High Court, in the case of Com­mis­sion­er of Cus­toms, Cen­tral Excise and Ser­vice tax, Guntur…

Laying of Pipelines is Not Subject to Service Tax

Mum­bai CESTAT in the mat­ter of Surindra Engi­neer­ing Co. Ltd vs. CCE, Mum­bai 2014 TIOL 2007 CESTAT MUM, held that unless the activ­i­ty under­tak­en results in the emer­gence of an “erect­ed, installed and com­mis­sioned plant, machin­ery, equip­ment or struc­ture”, the activity…

Service Tax Accounting Codes

Sr.No Ser­vice Cat­e­go­ry Date of  Intro­duc­tion Account­ing codes Tax Col­lec­tion Oth­er Receipts 1 Adver­tis­ing 01.11.1996 00440013 00440016 2 Air Trav­el Agent 01.07.1997 00440032 00440033 3 Air­port Ser­vices 10.09.2004 00440258 00440259 4 Archi­tect 16.10.1998 00440072 00440073 5 ATM Oper­a­tions, Man­age­ment or Main­te­nance 01.05.2006…