Direct TaxIncome Tax

CBI arrested Deputy Commissioner Income Tax, Hyderabad & Auditor in case of bribe

CBI arrest­ed a Deputy Com­mis­sion­er Income Tax in Hyder­abad on yes­ter­day Night on the charge of accept­ing a bribe of Rs.23 lakh through a mid­dle­man. Sources in the inves­tiga­tive agency said that the accused Jai Prakash, post­ed as Deputy Com­mis­sion­er Income Tax in Hyder­abad’s Karim Nagar, had vis­it­ed premis­es of a busi­ness­man on Octo­ber 16 along with his Inspec­tor Ramu where he had alleged­ly demand­ed Rs.25 lakh as bribe for set­tling tax issues.

The deal was alleged­ly planned to be mate­ri­alised through the audi­tor of the businessman.

This morn­ing the busi­ness­man had alleged­ly paid Rs.2 lakh from the agreed amount to Inspec­tor Ramu through his auditor.

 A team of CBI’s Anti-Cor­rup­tion Bureau in Hyder­abad laid a trap this evening when the audi­tor was going to hand over the remain­ing mon­ey to Jai Prakash. CBI has seized Rs.23 lakh bribe and arrest­ed Jai Prakash (Deputy Com­mis­sion­er Income Tax), Shi­va Kumar (Audi­tor) and Ramu (Inspec­tor).

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