ED Circular

Central Excise Department working on timely disposal of Registration Application- within 2 days

Your atten­tion is drawn to the Hon’ble Finance Minister’s Bud­get Speech on grant­i­ng reg­is­tra­tion to Cen­tral Excise and Ser­vice Tax Assessees with­in two days of fil­ing the appli­ca­tion form. You may refer to noti­fi­ca­tion no. 07/2015/CE (N.T.) dat­ed 01/03/2015, Order No. 1/2015-ST and Cir­cu­lar No. 997/4/2015-CX, both dat­ed 28th Feb­ru­ary, 2015 regard­ing sim­pli­fi­ca­tion of Reg­is­tra­tion pro­ce­dure in Cen­tral Excise & Ser­vice Tax.

2.  I am sure, nec­es­sary steps to ensure dis­pos­al of reg­is­tra­tion appli­ca­tions in the line of new pro­ce­dures must have already been ini­ti­at­ed by your Offi­cers. You have to per­son­al­ly mon­i­tor the imple­men­ta­tion of the new sys­tem of grant­i­ng reg­is­tra­tion and to ensure that all the new appli­ca­tions filed after the pre­sen­ta­tion of the Bud­get are dis­posed off expe­di­tious­ly and with­in the pre­scribed time lim­it of two days.

3.  As regards the past reg­is­tra­tion appli­ca­tions pend­ing in the ACES, as on the date of pre­sen­ta­tion of Bud­get, you have to ensure that these are imme­di­ate­ly dis­posed off as per the guide­lines pro­vid­ed on the cir­cu­lar dat­ed 28/02/2015. All these past reg­is­tra­tion appli­ca­tions have to be dis­posed off lat­est by 15/03/2015. Need­less to empha­size that your per­son­al mon­i­tor­ing of the imple­men­ta­tion of the new sys­tem of sim­pli­fied reg­is­tra­tion is of utmost impor­tance. You are also request­ed to send a fort­night­ly report to the Com­mis­sion­er (Cen­tral Excise) & Com­mis­sion­er (Ser­vice Tax), CBEC of appli­ca­tions pend­ing for more than two days with detailed rea­sons for the pen­den­cies. The report for the quar­ter end­ing 15th March must be sent by the next day. Field for­ma­tions my suit­ably be advised.

Yours sin­cere­ly,

(S. B. Singh)

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