Central Excise Department working on timely disposal of Registration Application- within 2 days
Your attention is drawn to the Hon’ble Finance Minister’s Budget Speech on granting registration to Central Excise and Service Tax Assessees within two days of filing the application form. You may refer to notification no. 07/2015/CE (N.T.) dated 01/03/2015, Order No. 1/2015-ST and Circular No. 997/4/2015-CX, both dated 28th February, 2015 regarding simplification of Registration procedure in Central Excise & Service Tax.
2. I am sure, necessary steps to ensure disposal of registration applications in the line of new procedures must have already been initiated by your Officers. You have to personally monitor the implementation of the new system of granting registration and to ensure that all the new applications filed after the presentation of the Budget are disposed off expeditiously and within the prescribed time limit of two days.
3. As regards the past registration applications pending in the ACES, as on the date of presentation of Budget, you have to ensure that these are immediately disposed off as per the guidelines provided on the circular dated 28/02/2015. All these past registration applications have to be disposed off latest by 15/03/2015. Needless to emphasize that your personal monitoring of the implementation of the new system of simplified registration is of utmost importance. You are also requested to send a fortnightly report to the Commissioner (Central Excise) & Commissioner (Service Tax), CBEC of applications pending for more than two days with detailed reasons for the pendencies. The report for the quarter ending 15th March must be sent by the next day. Field formations my suitably be advised.
Yours sincerely,
(S. B. Singh)