Changes in provisions of STDS in WBVAT

(i) Sub­mis­sion of scroll has been made manda­to­ry w.e.f. 02.11.2012 by insert­ing sub-sec­tion (2A) for a per­son who deducts tax from a works con­trac­tor or sup­pli­er, as the case may be, and deposits that amount to Gov­ern­ment Trea­sury with­in the pre­scribed date.
(ii) Late fee has been intro­duced for delay in fur­nish­ing scroll, if a per­son liable to fur­nish scroll in Form 19A fails to fur­nish such scroll with­in the pre­scribed time and such late fee will be as per sec­tion 32(2). This pro­vi­sion has been intro­duced by insert­ing sub-sec­tion (2B) w.e.f. 01.07.2015.
(iii) By amend­ing sub-sec­tion (3) the date of issue of Form 18A and date for sub­mis­sion of Form 19A, etc., has been fixed as twen­ty five days from the end of the month dur­ing which deduc­tion is made.
(iv) By sub­sti­tut­ing sub-sec­tion (3A), the Com­mis­sion­er has been vest­ed with the pow­er to extend the date of fil­ing of revised scroll.
(v) Inter­est payable for delay in pay­ment of tax deduct­ed at source- Two new sub-sec­tions, name­ly, sub-sec­tion (3B) and sub-sec­tion (3C) have been insert­ed w.e.f. 01.07.2015. As per sub-sec­tion (3B), a per­son mak­ing deduc­tion or a con­tractee shall be liable to pay inter­est as per sec­tion 34B for delay in mak­ing pay­ment of such tax deduct­ed at source. As per sub-sec­tion (3C), where the inter­est payable under sub-sec­tion (3B) has not been paid, the Com­mis­sion­er may deter­mine inter­est payable and issue notice for mak­ing pay­ment of inter­est, and the amount may be recov­ered in accor­dance with the pro­vi­sions of sec­tion 55 or sec­tion 60 of West Ben­gal Val­ue Added Tax Act, 2003. How­ev­er, the State Gov­ern­ment may by noti­fi­ca­tion, waive pay­ment of such inter­est under sub-sec­tion (3D) in such cas­es or under such cir­cum­stances and sub­ject to such con­di­tions as may be specified.

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