Changes made in W.B.V.A.T.Act,2003 and in W.B.V.A.T.Rules,2005
Every year after publication of the West Bengal Finance Act and of corresponding
notifications by government effecting the procedural matters connected with the changes
made in that Finance Act, it becomes necessary for issue of Trade Circular specifying the
important changes made in law that may come to the aid of the dealers as well as of the
officers of the Directorate for better understanding of these changes. The West Bengal
Finance Act, 2014 and the corresponding notifications bearing Nos. 848 F.T. dtd.
28.05.2014 and 1183 F.T. dtd. 14.07.2014 have been published. This Trade Circular is
clarificatory in nature and is not the legal interpretation of the changed laws. For
interpretation, the West Bengal Finance Act, 2014 and the notifications may please be
consulted. Unless otherwise mentioned in the respective paragraphs, amended provisions
have come into force with effect from 01.07.2014.