Customs Duty

Circular of Customs about Import of Pesticides Circular No. 10/2014-Customs dated 17.10.2014

  1. Ref­er­ence is invit­ed to Board Cir­cu­lar No7/2014-Cus dat­ed 7.04.2014 on com­pli­ance of Order of Hon’ble High Court of Gujarat regard­ing import of for­mu­la­tions into India which lays down that Com­mis­sion­er of cus­toms con­cerned should ensure that in case of import of for­mu­la­tions, the sam­ples of its tech­ni­cal grade / mate­r­i­al is test­ed. For this pur­pose actu­al phys­i­cal sam­ple of each tech­ni­cal grade of each con­sign­ment has to be pro­vid­ed by the importer which will be sub­ject­ed to all tests applic­a­ble to the indige­nous man­u­fac­tur­er such as the exam­i­na­tion of the chem­i­cal com­po­si­tion, test with regard to bio effi­ca­cy as well as its prob­a­ble effect on the soil and human life.

  1. The mat­ter has been re-exam­ined in the light of Order dat­ed 28.03.2014 in Misc Civ­il Appli­ca­tion No. 2483 of 2013 and Misc. Civ­il Appli­ca­tion No 2496 of 2013 of High Court of Gujarat and in con­sul­ta­tion with Depart­ment of Agri­cul­ture. It is, accord­ing­ly, clar­i­fied that the tech­ni­cal grade/ mate­r­i­al shall not be insist­ed upon with each import­ed con­sign­ment of for­mu­la­tion once such tech­ni­cal grade/ mate­r­i­al has been sup­plied for the pur­pose of analy­sis and scruti­ny pri­or to the reg­is­tra­tion. Fur­ther, each con­sign­ment of for­mu­la­tion which is import­ed should be ver­i­fied and test­ed so that it match­es with the tech­ni­cal grade mate­r­i­al regard­ing spec­i­fi­ca­tion and quality.
  1. Board Cir­cu­lar No 7/2014- Cus dat­ed 7.04.2014 stands mod­i­fied to the above extent.
  1. Suit­able Pub­lic notice may be issued for guid­ance of staff and trade.

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