Companies/Agencies Seeking Verification of Chartered Accountants Qualification to Remit Fee. — (13–10-2014)
In terms of the decision of the Finance Committee of the Institute taken at its 23rd meeting on the recommendations of the Examination Committee, it was decided to charge a sum of Rs.500/- per person as the education verification fee from the companies/agencies seeking such verification of qualification effective from 23rd May, 2012. The fee is payable by way of a demand draft drawn in favour of the Secretary, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and payable at New Delhi.
However, the Departments/Ministries of the Central Government, State Governments, PSUs etc. are not required to remit the said education verification fee. Further, it is also clarified that such fee is not to be charged from the concerned members and students of the Institute.
In view of the above, the Companies/Agencies seeking such educational verification may send a request letter duly signed by the competent authority of their organisation alongwith requisite fee (wherever applicable) as stated above alongwith copies of the Marks Sheets/Passing Certificates/Rank Certificates pertaining to Chartered Accountants Examinations required to be verified by the Institute to the Additional Secretary (Exams), The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, ‘ICAI Bhawan’, Indraprastha Marg, New Delhi — 110002.