
Credit growth up 11% but still lags deposits at 13%

After remain­ing sub-10 per cent for two con­sec­u­tive fort­nights, bank cred­it grew 11 per cent to Rs. 62,69,007 crore for the fort­night end­ed Octo­ber 3. In the cor­re­spond­ing fort­night last year, bank cred­it stood at Rs. 56,50,107 crore. In the last fort­night, the cred­it growth rose 9.7 per cent to Rs. 61,46,526 crore.

In the report­ing peri­od, deposits grew 13.05 per cent to Rs. 82,89,310 crore as com­pared with Rs. 73,32,159 crore in the year-ago peri­od. The demand deposits jumped 15.83 per cent to Rs. 7,81,649 crore as of Octo­ber 3 from Rs. 6,74,792 crore in the year-ago peri­od. Time deposits grew 12.77 per cent to Rs. 75,07,668 crore in the peri­od as against Rs. 66,57,367 crore in the same peri­od last year.

Last month, the country’s largest lender State Bank had also cut the inter­est rate on medi­um-term deposits (one year to less than three years matu­ri­ty) by 25 basis points to 8.75 per cent and by 25 bps the medi­um-term deposit in the 180–210 days cat­e­go­ry to 7.25 per cent. SBI had also lat­er reduced the short-term deposit rates by 1 per­cent­age point for amount below Rs. 1 crore.

Ear­li­er this month, Pun­jab Nation­al Bank had also realigned inter­est rates on fixed deposits of Rs. 1–10 crore by up to 2 per cent. Inter­est on PNB’s term deposits of 7–14 days was increased by 2 per cent to 6 per cent.

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