Service Tax

Demand raised without Show Cause Notice is Void

Demand raised after Show Cause Notice to present enti­ty only is also Void & not applic­a­ble on the pre­vi­ous enti­ty of the same business.

Andhra Pradesh High Court, in the case of Com­mis­sion­er of Cus­toms, Cen­tral Excise and Ser­vice tax, Gun­tur V. M/s Narayana Coach­ing Cen­tre, 2015 held that adju­di­ca­tion order does not grant any pow­er to depart­ment to pro­ceed against appel­lant in absence of show-cause notice which implies that with­out issu­ing show cause notice, demand raised by depart­ment shall be void and thus pro­ceed­ings in con­nec­tion here­with is a nul­li­ty and adju­di­ca­tion there­of is also non est.

As per the facts of the case, the pro­pri­etary con­cern of the appel­lant was tak­en over by M/s Narayana Learn­ing Pvt. Ltd. after 30-09-2010. The Show cause notice issued for the F.Y. 2010-11 was not issued to the pro­pri­etary con­cern sep­a­rate­ly but was issued to the Pri­vate Ltd for the entire F.Y. Thus, the Depart­ment can­not demand ser­vice tax for the peri­od pri­or to 30-09-2010 in absence of a show cause notice to the pro­pri­etary concern.

Fur­ther, the Apex Court also con­firmed the view of High court in the judg­ment ibid dis­miss­ing the Spe­cial leave peti­tion filled by Rev­enue against the High Court order and held that with­out a Show Cause Notice has been issued, adju­di­ca­tion is a nullity.

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