Company Law

DIN‑3 replaced by DIR-3C

The e‑form DIR-3C, i.e., replac­ing e‑form DIN‑3 has been intro­duced by MCA for fil­ing. This form is for inti­mat­ing DIN of Direc­tors to ROCs. Some of the com­pa­nies were fac­ing issues in fil­ing of the forms due to non-avail­abil­i­ty of sig­na­to­ry details of the Direc­tors in MCA portal. 

In this regard, Com­pa­nies which do not have any of their Directors/Signatory details reg­is­tered in the MCA21 sys­tem and who are desirous of fil­ing DIR-3C Form are advised to get atleast one autho­rised sig­na­to­ry reg­is­tered by con­tact­ing the con­cerned Reg­is­trar of Com­pa­nies. ROCs have been request­ed by the MCA to allow entry of details from their offices also. 

Fur­ther, CLSS-2014 Scheme is avail­able to cor­po­rates for fil­ing of their over­due doc­u­ments and com­pa­nies desirous of avail­ing ben­e­fit of the scheme may update their direc­tors details (by using e‑form DIR-3C) to enable them­selves to file their Bal­ance Sheets, Annu­al Returns and oth­er annu­al doc­u­ments on MCA portal. 

Since the Com­pa­ny Law Set­tle­ment Scheme, 2014 is end­ing on 15th Octo­ber, 2014, pro­fes­sion­als are request­ed to file e‑form DIR- 3C for updat­ing direc­tors details of the com­pa­nies and there­after file the over­due doc­u­ments as part of CLSS Scheme at the ear­li­est con­ve­nience to avoid last minute rush and sys­tem con­ges­tion on the MCA21 portal. 

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