Company Law

DIR‑3 KYC Date Extended

The Min­istry of Cor­po­rate Affairs has received rep­re­sen­ta­tions from stakeholders

express­ing cer­tain dif­fi­cul­ties in fil­ing e‑form DIR‑3 KYC in accor­dance with Rule 12A of the Com­pa­nies (Appoint­ment and Qual­i­fi­ca­tion of Direc­tors) Rules, 2014. Requests have also been made for exten­sion of peri­od for fil­ing such form.

  • The mat­ter has been exam­ined and it is here­by inf ormed that it is being pro­posed that every per­son who has already filed DIR‑3 KYC will only be required to com­plete his/her KYC th rough a sim­ple web-based ver­i­fi­ca­tion ser­vice, with pre-filled data based on the records in the reg­istry, for ease of ver­i­fi­ca­tio n by th e per­son con­cerned. How­ev­er, in case a per­son wish­es to update his mobile no. or e‑mail address, h e would be required to file e‑form DlR‑3 KYC, as this facil­i­ty of upda­tion is not being pro­posed in the web-based ser­vice. In case of upd ation in any oth­er per­son­al detail, e‑form DIR‑6 may be filed for upda­tion of the same before com­ple­tion of KYC through the web-based service.
  • Th e amend­ment in the rel­e­vant rules includ­ing th e amend­ment relat­ed to exten­sion of time (allow­ing for ade­quate time) for com­ple­tion of KYC through e‑form DIR‑3 KYC or the web-based ser­vice, as the case may be, is being noti­fied short­ly. Stake­hold­ers are advised to take note of the same and file accord­ing to the revised notification .

This issues with approval of the com­pe­tent authority. 

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