Display all information about credit cost to borrowers by Banks: RBI
RBI directs via notification No: RBI/2014–15/422 dated 22nd January, 2015 Banks to disclose following Information’s in their website as well as in a key statement/fact sheet to all individual borrower from April 2015.
In order to further enhance transparency in pricing of credit, based on the recommendations of Working Group on Pricing of Credit, banks are advised to adhere to the following additional instructions:
(a) Website:
- Banks should display on their website the interest rate range of contracted loans for the past quarter for different categories of advances granted to individual borrowers along with mean interest rates for such loans.
- The total fees and charges applicable on various types of loans to individual borrower should be disclosed at the time of processing of loan as well as displayed on the website of banks for transparency and comparability and to facilitate informed decision making by customers.
- Banks should publish Annual Percentage Rate (APR) or such similar other arrangement of representing the total cost of credit on a loan to an individual borrower on their websites so as to allow customers to compare the costs associated with borrowing across products and/ or lenders.
(b) Key Statement/ Fact Sheet:
Banks should provide a clear, concise, one page key fact statement/fact sheet, as per prescribed format in Annex, to all individual borrowers at every stage of the loan processing as well as in case of any change in any terms and conditions. The same may also be included as a summary box to be displayed in the credit agreement.
In order to give banks sufficient time to comply with the above instructions, it has been decided that the above additional guidelines will come into force with effect from April 1, 2015.